Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Home Mortgage Discrimination Case - Racism in America

"Bank of America Corp's Countrywide Financial unit agreed on Wednesday to pay a record $335 million to settle civil charges that it discriminated against minority homebuyers."
New York, NY July 2, 2008-- On the NAACP’s National Day of Action, State Senator [Kevin] Parker  joined the NAACP Brooklyn Branch and other elected officials on the city hall steps to fight against discriminatory mortgage lending.

Reuters via The "Globe & Mail"- The settlement covers conduct between 2004 and 2008 before the acquisition by Bank of America, and involves a range of alleged wrongdoing including charging African-Americans and Hispanics higher interest rates and fees than non-minorities.

Minorities also were steered to more expensive subprime loans even though they were qualified for traditional mortgage rates. Justice Department officials said it was the largest residential discrimination settlement in U.S. history.

“The victims had no idea they were being victimized. They were thrilled to have gotten a loan and realize the American dream,” Thomas Perez, head of the Justice Department’s civil rights division, told reporters. “This is discrimination with a smile.”

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


About Native American Heritage Month


Information courtesy of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior
What started at the turn of the century as an effort to gain a day of recognition for the significant contributions the first Americans made to the establishment and growth of the U.S., has resulted in a whole month being designated for that purpose.

One of the very proponents of an American Indian Day was Dr. Arthur C. Parker, a Seneca Indian, who was the director of the Museum of Arts and Science in Rochester, N.Y. He persuaded the Boy Scouts of America to set aside a day for the "First Americans" and for three years they adopted such a day. In 1915, the annual Congress of the American Indian Association meeting in Lawrence, Kans., formally approved a plan concerning American Indian Day. It directed its president, Rev. Sherman Coolidge, an Arapahoe, to call upon the country to observe such a day. Coolidge issued a proclamation on Sept. 28, 1915, which declared the second Saturday of each May as an American Indian Day and contained the first formal appeal for recognition of Indians as citizens.
The year before this proclamation was issued, Red Fox James, a Blackfoot Indian, rode horseback from state to state seeking approval for a day to honor Indians. On December 14, 1915, he presented the endorsements of 24 state governments at the White House. There is no record, however, of such a national day being proclaimed.

The first American Indian Day in a state was declared on the second Saturday in May 1916 by the governor of New York. Several states celebrate the fourth Friday in September. In Illinois, for example, legislators enacted such a day in 1919. Presently, several states have designated Columbus Day as Native American Day, but it continues to be a day we observe without any recognition as a national legal holiday.

In 1990 President George H. W. Bush approved a joint resolution designating November 1990 "National American Indian Heritage Month." Similar proclamations, under variants on the name (including "Native American Heritage Month" and "National American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month") have been issued each year since 1994.

From the Smithsonian Institution: In honor of this year's National American Indian Heritage Month, explores the tragic history of the Cherokees' struggles with Andrew Jackson, takes a look at modern Native artists and investigates how to cook Native foods.

My earliest childhood memories bring me to a time,
a time of drama called "Unto these Hills."

My mother was from the hills of North Carolina,
 and the outdoor drama was amongst her favorite sites to see.

In my youth, the many visits unto the hills made an impression on me.

Not that I intended on a rhyme,
 but my thoughts traveled back in time.

Where for the here and now,
I wish to convey a message of a people who may read these lines, 
a message of the Cherokee.

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
Presidential Proclamation -- National Native American Heritage Month, 2011




From the Aleutian Islands to the Florida Everglades, American Indians and Alaska Natives have contributed immensely to our country's heritage. During National Native American Heritage Month, we commemorate their enduring achievements and reaffirm the vital role American Indians and Alaska Natives play in enriching the character of our Nation.

Native Americans stand among America's most distinguished authors, artists, scientists, and political leaders, and in their accomplishments, they have profoundly strengthened the legacy we will leave our children. So, too, have American Indians and Alaska Natives bravely fought to protect this legacy as members of our Armed Forces. As service members, they have shown exceptional valor and heroism on battlefields from the American Revolution to Iraq and Afghanistan. Native Americans have demonstrated time and again their commitment to advancing our common goals, and we honor their resolve in the face of years of marginalization and broken promises. My Administration recognizes the painful chapters in our shared history, and we are fully committed to moving forward with American Indians and Alaska Natives to build a better future together.

To strengthen our economy and win the future for our children, my Administration is addressing problems that have burdened Native American communities for too long. We are working to bolster economic development, expand access to affordable health care, broaden post-secondary educational opportunities, and ensure public safety and tribal justice. In June, I signed an Executive Order establishing the White House Rural Council, to strengthen Federal engagement with tribal governments and promote economic prosperity in Indian Country and across rural America. This comes in conjunction with several settlements that will put more land into the hands of tribes and deliver long-awaited trust reform to Indian Country.

To bring jobs and sustainable growth to tribal nations, my Administration is connecting tribal economies to the broader economy through transportation infrastructure and high-speed Internet, as well as by focusing on clean energy development on tribal lands. First Lady Michelle Obama's recently launched Let's Move! in Indian Country initiative will also redouble efforts to encourage healthy living for American Indians and Alaska Natives. These actions reflect my Administration's ongoing commitment to progress for Native Americans, which was reaffirmed last year when we announced our support for the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Through a comprehensive strategy where the Federal Government and tribal nations move forward as equal partners, we can bring real and lasting change to Indian Country.

This month, we celebrate the rich heritage and myriad contributions of American Indians and Alaska Natives, and we rededicate ourselves to supporting tribal sovereignty, tribal self-determination, and prosperity for all Native Americans. We will seek to strengthen our nation-to-nation relationship by ensuring tribal nations have a voice in shaping national policies impacting tribal communities. We will continue this dialogue at the White House Tribal Nations Conference held in Washington, D.C. next month. As we confront the challenges currently facing our tribal communities and work to ensure American Indians and Alaska Natives have meaningful opportunities to pursue their dreams, we are forging a brighter future for the First Americans and all Americans.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2011 as National Native American Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans to commemorate this month with appropriate programs and activities, and to celebrate November 25, 2011, as Native American Heritage Day.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand eleven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-sixth.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Blood Feud," who are the Cherokee Freedmen?"

The Cherokee Freedman Debate
"Early in the 1800s, some Cherokees acquired slaves, and in the 1830s, enslaved African Americans accompanied the Cherokees when the federal government forced them to move to Indian Territory (Oklahoma), where the tribe struggled to rebuild its culture and institutions. By 1861, there were 4,000 black slaves living among the Cherokees."

"After the Civil War, the tribe signed a treaty that granted former slaves, or freedmen, “all the rights of Native Cherokees.” But in 2007, Cherokees amended their tribal constitution, making “Indian blood” a requirement for citizenship. As a result, some 2,800 descendants of Cherokee freedmen were excluded from membership. " (The Smithsonian - National Museum of the American Indian)

Family Stories : "Extraordinary lifeways persist; the stories must be heard. At the heart of each story survives the basic human desire for being and belonging. Out of many nations, African-Native American people are indivisible."

Blood Feud
These are boom times for the Five Civilized Tribes of Oklahoma. But bad times for thousands of black Indians battling for tribal citizenship. Now the Freedmen are turning to genetic science for help.

Will the Cherokee Freedmen Gain Tribal Rights?
Exceprt from "The Root"

"Since 2007 I have written a number of articles advocating for freedmen's rights. The first was so pointed that Smith publicly blamed the column for shaping black opinion on the subject."

"My maternal grandmother was enrolled as a Cherokee Freedmen in 1901, and since I was a little boy I have listened to relatives from that side of the family talk about life among the tribe. Smith tried to obliterate that history, and the tribal connection of other freedmen descendants, by declaring in 2007 that blood Cherokee don't even know who we are."

Sunday, October 9, 2011

October - National Disability Employment Awareness Month

"In October, Americans observe National Disability Employment Awareness Month by paying tribute to the accomplishments of the men and women with disabilities whose work helps keep the nation's economy strong and by reaffirming their commitment to ensure equal opportunity for all citizens."

"This effort to educate the public about the issues related to disability and employment began in 1945, when Congress enacted Public Law 176, declaring the first week of October each year as National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week. In 1962, the word "physically" was removed to acknowledge the employment needs and contributions of individuals with all types of disabilities. Some 25 years later, Congress expanded the week to a month and changed the name to National Disability Employment Awareness Month."

Library of congress link:

"The official theme for October's 2011 National Disability Employment Awareness Month announced by the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy is "Profit by Investing in Workers with Disabilities." The theme honors the contributions of workers with disabilities and serves to inform the public that they represent a highly skilled talent pool that can help employers compete in today's global economy. "Return on investment means hiring the right talent," said Kathy Martinez, assistant secretary of labor for disability employment policy. "Workers with disabilities represent all skill sets and are ready to get the job done. This year's theme focuses on improving employment opportunities that lead to good jobs and a secure economic future for people with disabilities and the nation as a whole."
Quoted from

Americans With Disabilities Act homepage:
Current Text of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended including changes made by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-325). The ADA prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in employment, State and local government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, and transportation. It also mandates the establishment of TDD/telephone relay services.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Civil Rights Leader, Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth Dies

A Civil Rights icon passes on to heavenly place.
(Library of Congress photo at left) Rev. Abernathy, Rev. King and Rev. Shuttlesworth lead a march for voters registration in Selma, Alabama.

The Birmingham News Special Report, "Unseen Unforgotten"
CNN- "The Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, who helped lead the civil rights movement, has died, the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute said Wednesday. He was 89."

"Shuttlesworth is among the iconic figures honored in the International Civil Rights Walk of Fame at the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site in Atlanta. King once called Shuttlesworth "the most courageous civil rights fighter in the South.""

"Shuttlesworth's efforts weren't without a price: his home was bombed on Christmas Day in 1956, but he and his family were not injured.He was, however, hurt in 1957 when he was beaten with chains and whips as he sought to integrate an all-white public school..."

Commemorative statue of Rev. Shuttlesworth located in front of the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute

(wikipedia) "Fred Shuttlesworth (born Freddie Lee Robinson on March 18, 1922 - October 5, 2011) was a civil rights activist who led the fight against segregation and other forms of racism as a minister in Birmingham, Alabama. He was a co-founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, was instrumental in the 1963 Birmingham Campaign, and continued to work against racism and for alleviation of the problems of the homeless in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he took up a pastorate in 1961. He returned to Birmingham after his retirement in 2007."

"Rev. Shuttlesworth was portrayed by Roger Robinson in the television miniseries King. The Birmingham Airport is named after him."

Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth Biography

"The Root 100 2011: Influencers and Iconoclasts"


"The Root" magazine's list of the most influential African Americans between the ages of 25 and 45. This year the list includes Kasim Reed , BeyoncĂ© , Michelle Alexander , Steven Horsford , Kanye West , David Adjaye , Tyra Banks ,Van Jones ,  and  TourĂ© . Who are these people?  They are part of The Root 100 .

Magazine article quote: "This is the third year that The Root 100 has compiled a list of the most influential African Americans between the ages of 25 and 45, but the first time we have actually ranked them. Each year we have refined our methodology to make sure we find the people who are making their mark and making a difference in our community."

The Root 100 list for 2011  "The Root's" home page link:

Part of "The Root's:" Trending Topics: American Dream Movement  The Root on Facebook

Who is #1 on The Root list?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Republican Party Attacking Voting Rights, A Continuation of the Southern Strategy by Weakening Voting Rights of Minorities.

Republicans will do whatever it takes to win, including rewriting election laws so the neu GOP will win. "Looking to capitalize on their historic gains last year, Republican lawmakers in several states are rewriting their election laws in ways that could make it more difficult for Democrats to win."

"A partisan political advantage in elections...changing the rules of the game in a dramatic way...changing the meaning of the vote..." Rachel Maddow and Tulane professor Melissa Harris-Perry, asks viewers to consider what’s going on in Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and other states in this NBC video from the Rachel Maddow Show.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

You Tube exposes, attacks on voting rights, child labor laws and disenfranchisement of minorities and the poor.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Tea Party Event and a Frederick Douglas Republican

Mr. K. Carl Smith, a U.S Army Veteran,  an Alabama A&M University graduate and a Frederick Douglas Republican.

I attended the Jackson County Tea Party event at the Jackson County Park. There were 85 people at peak attendance. Music, speakers and politicians appeared and spoke. Food and Blue Grass Music were available to excite the gastronomical senses and please the ears. A full report on the event with many photos may be found at Watch for Snakes n' Scottsboro

Mr. K. Carl Smith is a FDR Republican. Not the FDR of the Great Depression and President at the beginning of World War 2, this FDR stands for a Frederick Douglas Republican. Mr. Smith brought a sphere of unity where unity had been lacking. He spoke of the 4 Frederick Douglas values 1) Respect for the Constitution, 2) Respect for Life, 3) Limited Government, 4) Personal Responsibility.

"Who are the Frederick Douglas Republicans," he asked? "We are people who are not afraid to stand up for our beliefs and convictions. We are every day citizens who will fight for liberty and justice and are not satisfied with the status quo. This movement is not about the color of our skin, this is about values."

In his book Mr. Smith goes on to say, "Frederick Douglas Republicans are not bound by race, color, creed or religion. We come together as a united front..."
Who are Fredrick Douglas Republicans?

Mr. K. Carl Smith has the "right stuff," and he is a person which could motivate the people of U.S. Congressional District #5 to vote for him. I thought he was a down to earth motivational speaker and well grounded in his values. He has an innovative approach and is well versed in the "Art of Engagement." He is the "Conservative Messenger."  Mr. Smith has the capability to foster unity and demonstrates positive leadership.

The question and challenge, will the Jackson County Tea Party distance itself from the Republican extremist "Southern Strategy," a hidden policy of racial discrimination expressed in advertisements and secessionist 10th Amendment rhetoric and political policy?  

As Mr.Smith pointed out the Democrats of the 19th and 20th century practiced a racial discriminatory and exclusionary policy, so did the Republicans. No doubt times have changed, members of the "White Rooster" conservatives remaining have migrated to the Republican Party and make up a base of the right wing extreme. There are Democrats which do not subscribe to extremist, exclusionary politics. The terms conservative and liberal are frequently confused and utilized as a divisional tactic of both political parties. We desperately need unity, will the Tea Party subscribe to American Unity or support exclusively Republican Party political strategy?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hispanic Heritage Month and The Story of an American Hero, Tango-Mike-Mike

Hispanic American Heritage Month for 2011: Sept. 15 - Oct. 15. This years poster from DEOMI, Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute.

A story about a brave soldier, MSG Raul "Roy" Benavidez, awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. I had the privilege of meeting MSG Benavidez at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas after his award. His story

Profile of U.S. Ambassador Miguel Diaz, U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See (Vatican), talks about being a Cuban American and the meaning of Hispanic Heritage Month.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Remembering 9-11-2001 in Pictures and Video

         THE TWIN TOWERS PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 11, 2001     (selected photographs from "The Day That Changed America" by AMI)

At 8:45AM Eastern Time on September 11, 2001 an attack began on our homeland, an event that changed America, our culture and how many citizens view peoples of Middle Eastern descent. The terrorist attack on that memorable day 10 years ago changed our nation forever, it did not change what our nation represents, Liberty, Freedom and justice in the Republic . The terrorist will never defeat our people's spirit nor the meaning of our Constitution.
The 9/11 Memorial Website:
September 11 News Archive:
                        We shall never forget
                        We shall keep this day,
                        We shall keep the events and the tears
                        In our minds, our memory and our hearts
                        and take them with us as we carry on.

                        (from the The 9/11 Memorial Website)

CNN Memorial site:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Alabama's Immigration Law Is Bad for Citizens

"Stop children, the fascist are waiting at the Alabama border! Your papers please." Republican Alabama Governor "States Rights" Bentley discriminates against American children born of parents in nation illegally. "Make the children suffer," the new Republican mantra.

Link:  Why Alabama's Immigration Bill Is Bad for Citizens - The Atlantic "The state is trying to embed immigration enforcement into everyday life, thereby making government even more omnipresent." 

"Alabama Immigration Law Will Be Costly - Alabama, the lawyers want to say, "thanks."
Read more from this Tulsa World article at

Read more, the Anniston Star, Editorial Board - "Breaking our mean code: Alabama state government punishes working people."

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Photo Coverage: SCOTTSBORO BOYS Protesters Crash the Tonys

Photo of the Scottsboro Boys poster at the Lyceum, courtesy of L. Hodges. link:  Photo Coverage: SCOTTSBORO BOYS Protesters Crash the Tonys 

Black Star News: "Offensive Scottsboro Boys Should Fail At TONY- Competition is tough this week, thankfully, so “Scottsboro Boys” has little hope of winning any honors. “Scottsboro” does not stand a chance against “Sister Act,” also nominated for musical."

Official Site of the Scottsboro Boys Musical,  Creative Team:
History, from the Scottsboro Boys Musical site:

History of the Minstrel Show:  Black-face performers are, "...the filthy scum of white society, who have stolen from us a complexion denied them by nature, in which to make money, and pander to the corrupt taste of their white fellow citizens." -- Frederick Douglass

"Black-face is more than just burnt cork applied as makeup. It is a style of entertainment based on racist Black stereotypes that began in minstrel shows and continues to this day." A History:

"From controversy comes education for those willing to learn." GLM

Monday, June 6, 2011

"BRIDGES" Womens Equality Day Poster Released

Department of Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute has released the 2011 Womens Equality Day Poster.

From the National Womens History Project:

What is Women’s Equality Day?

"At the behest of Rep. Bella Abzug (D-NY), in 1971 the U.S. Congress designated August 26 as “Women’s Equality Day.”"

"The date was selected to commemorate the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote. This was the culmination of a massive, peaceful civil rights movement by women that had its formal beginnings in 1848 at the world’s first women’s rights convention, in Seneca Falls, New York."

Joint Resolution of Congress, 1971

Designating August 26 of each year as Women’s Equality Day

WHEREAS, the women of the United States have been treated as second-class citizens and have not been entitled the full rights and privileges, public or private, legal or institutional, which are available to male citizens of the United States; and

WHEREAS, the women of the United States have united to assure that these rights and privileges are available to all citizens equally regardless of sex; and

WHEREAS, the women of the United States have designated August 26, the anniversary date of the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, as symbol of the continued fight for equal rights: and

WHEREAS, the women of United States are to be commended and supported in their organizations and activities,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that August 26th of each year is designated as Women’s Equality Day, and the President is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation annually in commemoration of that day in 1920, on which the women of America were first given the right to vote, and that day in 1970, on which a nationwide demonstration for women’s rights took place.

The Holocaust, Days of Rememberance

 What is Days of Remembrance?

The U.S. Congress established Days of Remembrance as the nation’s annual commemoration of the Holocaust and created the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as a permanent living memorial to the victims. This year, Holocaust Remembrance week is May 1 through May 8, 2011. The Museum designated “Justice and Accountability in the Face of Genocide: What Have We Learned?” as the theme for the 2011 observance. In accordance with its congressional mandate, the Museum is responsible for leading the nation in commemorating Days of Remembrance and for encouraging appropriate observances throughout the United States. The United States Holaucaust Museum:

What is the Holocaust? Who are we remembering?

The Holocaust was the state-sponsored, systematic persecution and annihilation of European Jewry by Nazi
Germany and its collaborators between 1933 and 1945. Jews were the primary victims—six million were murdered; Roma (Gypsies), people with disabilities, and Poles were also targeted for destruction or decimation for racial, ethnic, or national reasons. Millions more, including homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Soviet prisoners of war,and political dissidents, also suffered grievous oppression and death under Nazi Germany.

Why is Days of Remembrance observed in the United States?

In 1980, Congress unanimously passed legislation to establish the United States Holocaust Memorial Council, which oversees the Museum. The Council, which succeeded the President’s Commission on the Holocaust, was charged with carrying out the following recommendations:

• That a living memorial be established to honor the victims and survivors of the Holocaust and to ensure that the lessons of the Holocaust will be taught in perpetuity

• That an educational foundation be established to stimulate and support research in the teaching of the Holocaust.

• That a Committee on Conscience be established that would collect information on and alert the national
conscience regarding reports of actual or potential outbreaks of genocide throughout the world.

• That a national day of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust be established in perpetuity and be held annually.

The Days of Remmberance 2011 Theme: What Have We Learned?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Scottsboro Boys Play - West Coast,

Picture taken at Lyceum Theater, New York.

"Scottsboro Boys" play, west coast...The Old Globe - Conrad Prebys Theatre Center, San Diego-April 22-June 3, 2012 and American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco-June 19-July 15, 2012.  The article states: "The Scottsboro Boys tells the true story of nine black youths accused of raping two white women in the Depression-era South." The play "tells the true story," says the "Playbill" article, but their meaning of a "true story" is certainly different from my meaning of a true story.

The play is a modern minstrel depiction of one of the most tragic events in American legal history. The "Scottsboro Boys" play minstrel production does not tell the "true story" of this event which lasted for 45 years within the American justice system and destroyed the lives of the nine youths - beginning in March of 1931 and ending with the Pardon of Clarence Norris, "The Last of the Scottsboro Boys" in October 1976.

The "Scottsboro Boys" play is controversial in a positive way, it brings to light the historical significance of the Scottsboro Boys Trials. It cannot depict the sacrifice of African Americans subjected to a system of Jim Crow racial injustice nor depict the the sacrifice of blacks and whites united in a cause to see justice served. The play should spark an educational curiosity in the minds of the attendees and others to make an inquiry into the reality of Jim Crow Era America and why we can not afford to repeat the past mistakes of our history.

I wish all involved in the "Scottsboro Boys" play the best of luck in your west coast endeavor.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

For the record: Cinco de Mayo is not about independence or Mexico - A U.S. Civil War Connection?

For the record: Cinco de Mayo is not about independence or Mexico  "Sigh. Every year we go through this insanity. Cinco de Mayo is not the Independence Day of Mexico nor is the celebration even really about Mexico! Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican American celebration with an emphasis on the American part." A Civil War connection?  Click on the above link or the link after this sentence for more of the story, by Bella de la Tierra, Senior Correspondent, "MarioWire."

"In 1862, the United States was in the middle of a civil war. All the South needed was a strong exterior ally and its strengthened cause might have permanently split the United States. A possible exterior ally was closer than Abraham Lincoln liked, as the French Army under Gen. Laurencez was making its way through Mexico." PBS story - More on Cinco de Mayo from UCLA:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Historical Event at The Jackson County Alabama Courthouse, Advancements of a Nation and People, History of the Scottsboro Boys Trials - 1931 - 2011 - 80 Years of History

 Jackson County Courthouse as it appeared in 1931, "Corbis" photo courtesy of Steve Kennamer, taken in April 1933.
 The Scottsboro defendants in Scottsboro behind the old Jackson County Jail under guard by the Alabama National Guard. Photo April 1931, The Progressive Age.
Rare photo of inside the courtroom at the Jackson County Courthouse,Jury Venire, April 1931. Photo Courtesy of Steve Kennamer.

Friday, March 25th, 2011, 10:00AM, a ceremony began surrounding the bench of Judge A.E. Hawkins, the racist Jackson County Circuit Court Judge whose rulings resulted in one of the most heinous miscarriages of justice in our nations history, "The Scottsboro Boys Trials." 

80 years to the day of the arrest of the Scottsboro defendants, 9 young men caught in the struggle of the Great Depression and a cultural war of racial discrimination and legal injustice of Jim Crow America. March the 25th 1931 began one of the most tragic events in American legal and cultural history lasting 45 years when Governor George Wallace of Alabama pardoned the last Scottsboro defendants, Clarence Norris in October of 1976.

Why you may ask is this a historical occasion, the Honorable Victoria Roberts, Presiding Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, a Black Woman. Judge Roberts sat behind the "bench" which Judge A.E. Hawkins presided in the "Scottsboro Boys" trials and told the story of the "Scottsboro Boys" trials and what the case represents to United States Jurisprudence today.

 This ceremony celebrates the advancements and achievements of Race Relations in Scottsboro, Alabama and our nation, it celebrates and memorializes the sacrifices of the young 9 Scottsboro defendants, it celebrates and memorializes the sacrifices of those who gave their lives so that Civil Rights and Racial Equality is the rule of our laws instead of the exception, it celebrates education and justice as a tool to overcome racial prejudice. Story from the Daily Sentinel:

A plaque exists on the south side of the Jackson County Courthouse Square telling a short story of the trials. This was the back of the program dedication ceremony describing the plaque. Click on the image for an expanded view.

 This week, April 4 thru April 8 2011, 80 years after the same days of 1931,  marks the conviction and death sentence of Clarence Norris and Charlie Weems in their trial; Haywood Patterson's trial, sentenced to death; Andy Wright, Willie Roberson, Ozie Powell, Olen Montgomery and Eugene Williams trial, sentenced to death.

Roy Wright, alleged to be age 12 ( Evidence at the Decatur trials demonstrated he was 13, a juvenile at arrest.) was tried as an adult in a seperate trial, the jury could not reach a verdict due to his youth, a hung jury by one vote.

One day I pray and hope that we as a nation may be able to accept and judge all people based on their personal character, not the color of their skin or cultural background related to race, creed, sex or religious preference. Unfortunately, as a nation and culture we are not to that point at this time in our history but we have made advancements thru the sacrifices of a few. We as a people and nation have further to travel in the most deadly of wars, the "Culture War" for the souls of our citizens.

May God grant us the power to overcome racial prejudice. Education is the key to overcoming the ignorance of racial prejudice. Education is what the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center represents, it is our mission and represents our future. As history goes, the story has just begun,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Story of Jim Crow Injustice

                                              Ms. Recy Taylor today.
Ms. Rosa Parks was sent to Abbeville, Al. by the local NAACP to investigate the rape of Ms. Taylor.
 News articles about the 1944 rape by seven whites who were never prosecuted for the rape of Ms. Recy Taylor.

The story of Ms. Recy Taylor is a story of Jim Crow America, a story of no justice and of tyranny. The story of Ms. Taylor must be told so that we are reminded of a period in our history where racial injustice was the rule and practice. The tyranny of racial oppression can never be allowed to exist and those who perpetrate racial discrimination must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

In Ms Taylor's case 2 all white male grand juries refused to indite the rapist. Then, as an additional indignity she was harassed by the police who should have been helping her.

Ms. Taylor's husband was offered $100 from each of the rapists as a proposed settlement. This offer was apparently approved by the local legal system.

There were seven men who openly admitted to the community and the Grand Jury that they had raped Ms. Taylor. The Grand Jury refused to return an indictment. This statement by one of the rapists was reported in local media accounts, "N***er- ain't $600 enough for raping your wife?"

"In her book "At the Dark End of the Street" Danielle McGuire writes about the rape in 1944 of a twenty-four-year-old mother and sharecropper, Recy Taylor, who strolled toward home after an evening of singing and praying at the Rock Hill Holiness Church in Abbeville, Alabama. Seven white men, armed with knives and shotguns, ordered the young woman into their green Chevrolet, raped her, and left her for dead. The president of the local NAACP branch office sent his best investigator and organizer to Abbeville. Her name was Rosa Parks. In taking on this case, Parks launched a movement that ultimately changed the world."
"Dark End of the Street" photo gallery:

"Alabama State Rep. Dexter Grimsley personally apologized to Recy and her family for Alabama's failure to prosecute her rapists and deny her justice all of these years. Rep. Grimsley expressed his intent to introduce a House resolution calling for a state apology to Recy Taylor before the current session is out."

Tell the Alabama state legislature to support Rep. Grimsley's apology resolution click on this link to sign the petition.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Eightieth Year Commemoration of the Case We Call The Scottsboro Boys.

On March the 25th, 1931, nine young black men were arrested in Paint Rock, Alabama, Jackson County, while hoboing on a west bound freight train. The 9 young men were arrested for the crime of rape, a false charge which was compounded by a faulty system of  justice in a racist society. The trials and the case of these 9 young men is referred to as The Scottsboro Boys Trial.

The Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center, 428 West Willow Street, Scottsboro, Alabama will commemorate the sacrifice of these nine young men on March the 25th, 2011. The commemoration ceremony will begin at 1PM and continue until 5PM. Dr. Dan T. Carter, author of "Scottsboro, A Tragedy of the American South," will be the featured guest speaker at 4PM.

At 10AM Judge Victoria A. Roberts is scheduled to speak at the Jackson County Courthouse concerning how the Scottsboro Boys Case has changed the course of history in America's courtrooms, according to an article in the weekend edition of Scottsboro's Daily Sentinel. Link: The news article also lists Mr. Lee Sentell of the Alabama Department of Tourism as a speaker at 1 PM, followed by Ms. Catherine Schreiber, one of the producers of the Scottsboro Boys Play. Check out the Daily Sentinel link above for more information.

A reception will follow at the Comfort Inn on John T. Reid Parkway at 6:30PM, according to the Daily Sentinel, the public is invited.

The above program is sponsored by the tax payers of the City of Scottsboro, Jackson County Alabama and the State of Alabama. Thank you, City Council, County Commission and State Legislative Delegation for this years contributions and for making this program possible.

Update Published 16 June 2011, "Southern Spaces" article by Dr. Ellen Spears, University of Alabama, "Rights Still Being Righted": Scottsboro Eighty Years Later

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center Celebrates Black History Month and 1 Year of Operation

DOD-DEOMI Special Observance Art for Black History Month.

The National Theme for Black History month this year is African Americans and the Civil War.

February, Black History Month at the Scottsboro Boys Museum & Cultural Center, ‏ 428 W. Willow St., Historic Joyce Chapel, Scottsboro, Alabama.

Saturday, Feb. 5 - Open 10AM-4PM. Special video presentations at 11AM and 2PM on the Scottsboro Boys Case

Saturday, Feb. 12 - Open 10AM-4PM. Special video presentation at 11AM Scottsboro Boys Case; 2PM presentation on African Americans in the Civil War by Garry L. Morgan, U.S. Army Retired, Historian Scottsboro Boys Museum.

Saturday, Feb. 19 - Open 10AM-4PM. Special video presentation at 11AM on the Scottsboro Boys Case. Special presentation by Ms. Sheryl Snodgrass-Caffey at 3PM "THE IMPACT OF THE SCOTTSBORO BOYS' CASES ON CIVIL RIGHTS - - YESTERDAY & TODAY" & "A Bit of Local Civil Rights History"

Saturday, Feb. 26 - Open 10AM-4PM. Special video presentations at 11AM and 2PM on the Scottsboro Boys Case

Black History month program, click for an expanded view of the program.
Scottsboro's Daily Sentinel Link to the story. Video's attached to the D.S. story.

Ms. Sheila Washington, Founder and Director of the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center

The Scottsboro Boys under guard at Scottsboro, Alabama March 26, 1931.

Tuesday, February the 1st the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center in Scottsboro, Alabama began our celebration of Black History Month and 1 year of operation.
Ms. Marilyn Jones Stamps was our featured speaker. Ms Stamps says, "I have a love for history." Ms. Stamps works with the Department of Tourism in Montgomery. She delivered a moving presentation.
"We do not have to live in the past...Our heritage is defined by our forfathers." Ms. Stamps related how her father influenced her life. She told of the sacrifices her father made, Prince Albert Jones. One of her fathers quotes was "I'd rather go to jail for something I did not do rather than something I had done."
Ms. Stamps told the story of how local law enforcement in her home town attempted to keep her father and other black citizens from registering to vote. Another one of her fathers quotes, "Do your best, be diligent, work hard, carry yourself with pride and hold your head up."
Ms. Stamps closed with Langston Hughes' poem "Freedoms Plow." A remarkable, revealing poem, about sacrifices, struggles and the rights of African Americans. Langston Hughes lived in Jim Crow America, born in 1907, died in 1967. His ashes are interned at the Shomberg Library Center in New York, New York.
A small part of "Freedoms Plow:"
"...Some were slave hands
Guarding in their hearts the seed of freedom,
But the word was there always:
"Down into the earth went the plow
In the free hands and the slave hands,
In indentured hands and adventurous hands,
Turning the rich soil went the plow in many hands
That planted and harvested the food that fed
And the cotton that clothed America..."
A long time ago,
An enslaved people heading toward freedom
Made up a song: Keep Your Hand On The Plow! Hold On!
The plow plowed a new furrowAcross the field of history.
Into that furrow the freedom seed was dropped.
From that seed a tree grew, is growing, will ever grow.
That tree is for everybody,
For all America, for all the world.
May its branches spread and shelter grow
Until all races and all peoples know its shade.
Langston Hughes' complete poem may be found at "Old Poetry."
A special presentation from our celebration event on Tuesday February 1, 2011 at the Scottsboro Boys Museum & Cultural Center which was attended by 85 persons.


WAAY TV video