Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Republican Party Attacking Voting Rights, A Continuation of the Southern Strategy by Weakening Voting Rights of Minorities.


Republicans will do whatever it takes to win, including rewriting election laws so the neu GOP will win. "Looking to capitalize on their historic gains last year, Republican lawmakers in several states are rewriting their election laws in ways that could make it more difficult for Democrats to win." http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Articles/2011/09/16/WP-GOP-Rewrites-state-election-law.aspx#page1

"A partisan political advantage in elections...changing the rules of the game in a dramatic way...changing the meaning of the vote..." Rachel Maddow and Tulane professor Melissa Harris-Perry, asks viewers to consider what’s going on in Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and other states in this NBC video from the Rachel Maddow Show.

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

You Tube exposes, attacks on voting rights, child labor laws and disenfranchisement of minorities and the poor.

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