Sunday, March 20, 2011

Eightieth Year Commemoration of the Case We Call The Scottsboro Boys.

On March the 25th, 1931, nine young black men were arrested in Paint Rock, Alabama, Jackson County, while hoboing on a west bound freight train. The 9 young men were arrested for the crime of rape, a false charge which was compounded by a faulty system of  justice in a racist society. The trials and the case of these 9 young men is referred to as The Scottsboro Boys Trial.

The Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center, 428 West Willow Street, Scottsboro, Alabama will commemorate the sacrifice of these nine young men on March the 25th, 2011. The commemoration ceremony will begin at 1PM and continue until 5PM. Dr. Dan T. Carter, author of "Scottsboro, A Tragedy of the American South," will be the featured guest speaker at 4PM.

At 10AM Judge Victoria A. Roberts is scheduled to speak at the Jackson County Courthouse concerning how the Scottsboro Boys Case has changed the course of history in America's courtrooms, according to an article in the weekend edition of Scottsboro's Daily Sentinel. Link: The news article also lists Mr. Lee Sentell of the Alabama Department of Tourism as a speaker at 1 PM, followed by Ms. Catherine Schreiber, one of the producers of the Scottsboro Boys Play. Check out the Daily Sentinel link above for more information.

A reception will follow at the Comfort Inn on John T. Reid Parkway at 6:30PM, according to the Daily Sentinel, the public is invited.

The above program is sponsored by the tax payers of the City of Scottsboro, Jackson County Alabama and the State of Alabama. Thank you, City Council, County Commission and State Legislative Delegation for this years contributions and for making this program possible.

Update Published 16 June 2011, "Southern Spaces" article by Dr. Ellen Spears, University of Alabama, "Rights Still Being Righted": Scottsboro Eighty Years Later

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