Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Kwanzaa, December 26th--January 1st

The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa.
(Picture-The Official Kwanzaa Web Site)

"As an African American and Pan-African holiday celebrated by millions throughout the world African community, Kwanzaa brings a cultural message which speaks to the best of what it means to be African and human in the fullest sense. Given the profound significance Kwanzaa has for African Americans and indeed, the world African community, it is imperative that an authoritative source and site be made available to give an accurate and expansive account of its origins, concepts, values, symbols and practice." Learn more about this holiday.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Y'all

  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May God Bless each and every one of you in the upcoming year.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Travels To New York, "The Scottsboro Boys"

" Scottsboro Boys, Talk Back at the Lyceum." Ms. Sheila Washington-Director Scottsboro Boys Museum, Catherine Horton Garrett-Granddaughter of Judge Horton, Garry Morgan-Historian Scottsboro Boys Museum, Lecia Brooks-Curator Southern Poverty Law Center Museum along with the actors and local personalities discuss the case.
Catherine Schreiber, Producer-Catherine Schreiber Productions, upper left, many thanks to Ms. Schreiber for making this a most memorable event and for her support in the Scottsboro Boys Museum project.

Wednesday, Dec 8, 2010 Ms. Sheila Washington and myself traveled to New York City to see the Scottsboro Boys play and participate in the play "talk-back." Ms. Cathy Horton Garret, granddaughter of Judge Horton and Ms. Lecia Brooks, Curator of the Southern Poverty Law Center Museum joined us in New York. The Thursday night play was sold out, standing room only. At the plays end there was a standing ovation which lasted for several minutes.
All of this was made possible by one of the producers of the Scottsboro Boys Show, Catherine Schreiber. The "show" brought us to New York for the Thursday evening "Talk-back Session" after the musical performance. Many thanks to Mrs. Schreiber for her work, a memorable experiance in which we have made new friends.
We participated in a "talk back" after the play Thursday night, discussing the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center. Video's of the talk back...

The play closed Sunday Dec 12, 2010 at the Lyceum Theater.
Photo's before and after the event may be viewed at Catherine Schreiber's Facebook page.!/album.php?aid=79839&id=1615233330 .
The Lyceum Theater is New York's oldest theater, it has a Baroque design, opening in 1903 it is also the first to be a historic landmark .
There was earlier controversy and protest in New York concerning the minstrel portrayal of the case relating to such a serious matter. The Scottsboro Boys Museum staff reply then and now, "out of controversy comes the opportunity for education and further opportunity to address the issue of racism, part of our mission for the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center."
None of us, after seeing the play, believe this play is a negative portrayal of African American History. The play utilized dramatic license to emphasize a point in our history which was reflective of Jim Crow America and the struggles of African Americans in our nation. The minstrel show was a segment of early 20th century African American history.
One of the most brilliant parts of the play and the plays last scene was the portrayal of Rosa Parks sitting on the front of the bus, being told to sit in the back, the bus driver says, "you can't sit here," her reply was, " I think I'll stay right here and rest my weary feet," the stage darkened and the show ended. A most brilliant ending to the show. Ms. Rosa Parks related in her biography, the "Scottsboro Boys" gave her the courage to take action.
We have suggested to Mrs. Schreiber she should bring the show to the south, to include Scottsboro (maybe The Lyceum at Northeast College), Huntsville, Birmingham, Montgomery, Atlanta, Chattanooga, etc. Their travel to Jackson County Alabama and the southern states is a very real possibility.
Catherine, many thanks for this opportunity, we have made new friends and look forward to meeting once again.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Scottsboro Boys Museum Speaking Engagements and Events

Members of the current Leadership Jackson County Program tour the Scottsboro Boys Museum & Cultural Center.
About the Leadership Jackson County program.

Left to Right: Garry Morgan, Historian Scottsboro Boys Museum & Cultural Center; Ms. Sheila Washington, Director Scottsboro Boys Museum & Cultural Center; Mr. Bill Talley, Program Director of the Scottsboro Rotary Club.

Ms. Washington tells the story of the Scottsboro Boys Museum to the Rotary Club. She relates how the case has changed the course of legal history within the United States, its meaning to her and the reasons for the founding of the Scottsboro Boys Museum. (Note the "Scottsboro Boys Museum Open House" You Tube video in the right hand column.)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

93 Years Ago--The 'Night of Terror" Nov. 15, 1917, A Photo Expose

A photo expose, The Night of Terror, November 15, 1917. One of the most despicable events and miscarriages of justice in our nations history. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Take note of the brave and heroic women who suffered for the right to vote.

Conferring over ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution at National Woman's Party headquarters, Jackson Place, Washington , D.C. . L-R Mrs. Lawrence Lewis, Mrs. Abby Scott Baker, Anita Pollitzer, Alice Paul,Florence Boeckel, Mabel Vernon (standing, right))
It is jarring to watch Woodrow Wilson and his cronies try to persuade a psychiatrist to declare Alice Paul insane so that she could be permanently institutionalized. And it is inspiring to watch the doctor refuse. Alice Paul was strong, he said, and brave. That didn't make her crazy.
The doctor admonished the men: 'Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity.'
Helena Hill Weed, Norwalk , Conn. Serving 3 day sentence in D.C. prison for carrying banner, 'Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.'

Berthe Arnold, CSU graduate

Miss Edith Ainge, of Jamestown , New York
Mrs. Pauline Adams in the prison garb she wore while serving a sixty-day sentence.

(Alice Paul) When one of the leaders, Alice Paul, embarked on a hunger strike,they tied her to a chair, forced a tube down her throat and poured liquid into her until she vomited. She was tortured like this for weeks until word was smuggled out to the press.

(Dora Lewis) They hurled Dora Lewis into a dark cell, smashed her head against an iron bed and knocked her out cold. Her cellmate, Alice Cosu,thought Lewis was dead and suffered a heart attack. Additional Affidavits describe the guards grabbing, dragging, beating, choking,slamming, pinching, twisting and kicking the women.

(Lucy Burns) They beat Lucy Burns, chained her hands to the cell bars above her head and left her hanging for the night, bleeding and gasping for air.
And by the end of the night, they were barely alive. Forty prison guards wielding clubs and their warden's blessing went on a rampage against the 33 women wrongly convicted obstructing sidewalk traffic.
A story of our Mothers and Grandmothers who lived only 90 years ago. It was not until 1920 that women were granted the right to go to the polls and vote. The women were innocent and defenseless, but they were jailed nonetheless for picketing the White House, carrying signs asking for the vote.
Thus unfolded the'Night of Terror' on Nov. 15, 1917, when the warden at the Occoquan Workhouse in Virginia ordered his guards to teach a lesson to the suffragists imprisoned there because they dared to picket Woodrow Wilson's White House for the right to vote. For weeks, the women's only water came from an open pail. Their food--all of it colorless slop--was infested with worms.
The cruelty and savage beatings inflicted on these women was a grievous act of tyranny. The sacrifices of these brave and heroic women must never be forgotten. An event which occurred 93 years ago this month.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Protest of the Scottsboro Boys Play

Some members of the African American Community do not appreciate the minstrel show. " The Scottsboro Boys case is not humorous...never give up...this is what the Freedom Party is about!"

Many valid points are made in the protest. I recommend this video, another side of the story.

Where is the humor in a miscarriage of justice? Out of controversy an awareness is created, discussion is stimulated and education may be acquired for those who have an open mind.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Death Warrant for Haywood Patterson

The Death Warrant of Haywood Patterson. (click on image for an expanded view)
While searching for documents relating to the "Scottsboro Boys Case" several original, undiscovered documents were found in the Circuit Court Historical File area relating to the Scottsboro Boys Case, including this death warrant.
All discovered documents related to this case were turned over to the Clerk of the Circuit Court so they may be safe guarded and properly preserved. Several case documents have disappeared relating to this case. It is important that all aspects of this important case be preserved so the public may have access to these documents.
The Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center maintains copies of available case records at the museum.
It is time local citizens and/or organizations who hold the original records to this case return them to the Circuit Court Clerks Office or in the case of supporting documents such as the Jackson County Jail Ledger Food Record for the time frame of the case, make those documents available for the public during normal business hours.
If you hold any original case file documents and would like to remain anonymous, you may send the file or documents to the Clerk of the Court at: Ken Ferrell-Circuit Clerk, P.O.Box 397, Scottsboro, Al., 35768.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sheriff Matt Wann, a brave man and the untold story, secrets and questions, the story of a murder. UPDATE: May 25, 2019

The continuing saga of the Scottsboro Boys case. The Story of Jackson County Sheriff Matt Wann and his murder raises questions due to local stories concerning involvement of the Ku Klux Klan in Sheriff Wann's murder in the early morning hours of May 3, 1932. He saved the lives of the 9 Scottsboro Defendants on the night of March the 25th, 1931 from an angry mob of Ku Klu Klan by preventing them from lynching the defendants. Several local stories have been told that Sheriff Wann's murder was connected to a conspiracy by law enforcement officials and local Ku Klux Klan leadership. (Click on images for an expanded view.)
The truth of this case must be told. Did a conspiracy to murder the Sheriff occur or was this an insane act by one individual? A magical through his brother trajectory shoot and subsequent disappearance of Harry Hambrick? If a conspiracy did not occur, why all the stories of conspiracy by reliable citizens and officials of our community?
The Officer Down Memorial Page, Inc., (ODMP) listing for Sheriff Matt Wann: The Sheriff erroneously placed the handcuffs on Harry Hambrick's brother, Arthur. It was Harry Hambrick for which the warrant for arrest was being served and who shot Sheriff Wann. This description per report from the May, 5, 1932 Jackson County Sentinel newspaper as reported by the Officers present and Arthur Hambrick. (This was one year and one month past the "Scottsboro Boys Case" Trials. )
Update: October 29, 2010 A search of Jackson County Circuit Court records disclosed the following information related to the case of Sheriff Wann's murder by suspect Harry Hambrick on May 3, 1932. A search was completed for the Grand Jury Records for the period 1932. Book 6 for the Summer Term of 1932 was missing. The Spring term of 1932, Book 5 was located, it ended in March of 1932. There were no other Grand Jury records after the Spring Term of 1932 that could be located.
The arrest warrant records for the period of 1932 were located and reviewed. There was no warrant issued for the arrest of Harry Hambrick during 1932 or any time after the May 3, 1932 date. There was also no warrant found concerning desertion which was the alleged reason Sheriff Wann was at the Hambrick home. This is very suspicious, it would be a normal act to issue an arrest warrant for the individual that was suspected of murdering the Jackson County Sheriff, particularly when there were 4 witnesses to the act of murder, 3 being law enforcement officers.

Image of Sheriff Wann in the Jackson County Sentinel 2 days after his death, May 5th 1932. It was alleged that Sheriff Wann was murdered by Harry Hambrick a short time after midnight on May 3, 1932 between Scottsboro and Larkinsville, Alabama while serving a warrant for the arrest of Harry Hambrick for the failure to support his wife, charged with desertion.
Matt Wann was a Mason and as reported he was buried with much ceremony in a Masonic burial the following Thursday, ceremonies were held at the First Baptist Church of Scottsboro.
Report listed in the May 5th, 1932 edition of the Jackson County Sentinel (paraphrased). "Sheriff Wann knocked on the door of the residence, no one came to the door initially. Sheriff Wann sent the officers accompanying him, Houston Dicus, Henry Jones, Wayne Phillips to the sides and rear of the home west of Scottsboro on the Larkinsville Road below the home of Miller Kelly. The house was dark, except for the light of the flashlights of the officers shinning through the windows. The report states that a man came to the door after Sheriff Wann announced that he was there to arrest Harry Hambrick. According to the news article the Sheriff asked, "are you Harry Hambrick," the man replied, "I am Hambrick," Wann replied, "you are under arrest." Sheriff Wann proceeded to place handcuffs on Hambrick. The news report states, "the man Sheriff Wann placed the cuffs on was not Harry Hambrick but his brother Arthur Hambrick."
The report describes the fatal event after placing the handcuffs on Arthur Hambrick, "Harry Hambrick produced a shotgun, fired over his brothers shoulder striking Sheriff Wann directly in the heart killing him." As reported in the Jackson County Sentinel Officer Jones shouted to Hambrick after the shooting, "you come out of the house with that shotgun I'll kill you." Harry Hambrick reportedly threw the shotgun onto the floor then mysteriously escaped into "the bottoms.""
Harry Hambrick was never captured or seen again. In the following weeks local papers tell the story of a southeastern man hunt for Harry Hambrick. He was described as follows: "A young man age 20, 5ft. 8in. tall, weight 130 pounds, has light hair, freckles, tattooing described as a woman on one arm and a heart on the other. He is talkative, very friendly, easily acquainted with strangers, appears younger than his appearance. He is of above average intelligence and easily mistaken for a farm boy of 16 or 17 years of age and did not have a "criminal appearance."" The local newspaper goes on to describe the magical Hambrick as "in a class of shrewd criminals... he may be hiding locally or distant places."
There is the question, why were charges never brought forth to try Hambrick in absentia, after all, there were several witnesses, namely the law officers present? Justice has not been served in this case.

Sheriff Matt Wann, Sheriff of Jackson County 1931-1932. Photo posted in the Sheriffs Office lobby in the Jackson county courthouse.
Sheriff Wann was survived by his wife Stella Rorex Wann and children Billie Jack and Robert Wann. Earnest Parks was appointed Guardian ad Litem for the minor children, Will Book 16, Pages 339-340.
Clarence Norris - In the book, "The Man From Scottsboro," by Dr. Kwando M. Kinshasa, who interviewed Clarence Norris prior to his death, Norris relates that Sheriff Wann was one of the white men that was responsible for saving the Scottsboro defendants lives. (Bio of Dr. Kinshasa-  Unfortunately, the link is no longer active.) Active link, "An Interview with Dr. Kwando M. Kinshasa, John Jay College"
Norris reported that Sheriff Wann stood in the door of the jail and told the mob that he would kill any of them that attempted to take his prisoners. Norris also reported in the book that Sheriff Wann was murdered for his efforts of keeping the mob from lynching the defendants.

Reports from citizens and news reports. - A mob of Ku Klux Klan and angry whites had gathered outside the jail the night of the "Scottsboro Boys" arrest on March 25th 1931. The mob had the intentions of breaking the prisoners out of jail and lynching the prisoners as had occurred in Marion, Indiana 5 months previous. Sheriff Wann contacted the Governor the night of March 25th and requested the assistance of the National Guard.
The National Guard arrived on March 26, 1931 and lent support to the Jackson County Sheriff until the decision was made to transport the prisoners to Gadsden, Alabama as their security could not be assured at the Jackson County Alabama Jail.
Allegations of Conspiracy to Murder. There are allegations that a conspiracy occurred related to Sheriff Wann's murder due to him not allowing a mob to lynch the Scottsboro Defendants. As the story goes, law enforcement officials were connected to the local Ku Klux Klan and the Klan leadership was angry that Sheriff Wann would stand in the way of "Klan justice."
Inquiry to the Sheriff 's Office reveals there are no Reports of Investigation relating to this case.
Other information gained in this research. In accordance with the laws of the State of Alabama at the time, it was reported that Coroner A.H. McAnelly became the acting Sheriff. Additional reports indicated that a petition would go forward to the Governor for the appointment of Mrs. Wann as the Sheriff, that never occurred, T.W. McBryde was appointed Sheriff.
Sheriff Wann owned 126 acres in Township 4, Range 8 east, section 18 Jackson County Alabama, just northeast of Pisgah, Al. town limits, Deed Book 74, page 386. Sheriff Wann had money on deposit in the Tennessee Valley Bank which Mrs. Wann attempted to be reimbursed via a claims process after the bank's failure. A case is recorded in Will Book 16 pages 339-340. The index lists the cases erroneously as being in Book 17. Also, there was a Case involving Mrs. Wann as the Executrix of Matt Wann's estate concerning the Federal Land Bank. This case is indexed as being in Deed Book 87, page 408, the case record could not be located. The records on page 408 or adjacent pages do not pertain to the "Wann" case.
There is an old saying, "the truth is always better than fiction." Such is the story concerning the murder of Jackson County Sheriff Matt Wann. For Sheriff Wann and the law enforcement community of Jackson County, the truth must be revealed for justice to occur. For the citizens of Jackson County, our history must reflect the truth concerning the continuing saga of the case known as the "Scottsboro Boys Trials."

An Ode to a Sheriff from "The Odes" in part,
A story of an Odd Fellow from the heart.
The restless wings of time hath brought
the parting moment near.
The bell that tolls the midnight chime,
will knell a glorious day-
The memory of a forgotten time,
shall never fade away.
Farewell ye Brothers true and bold!
This day to you shall be.
O'er prejudice and slander old;
The Day of Victory;
And they who barr'd our infant way
Shall cheer our mighty youth,
And own the noble power to-day,
Of Friendship, Love and Truth.
The story of Matt Wann is told,
So the "Pale Face" may n'er agin be so bold,
Thus-this story of murder is told.
Poem by Garry Morgan in part and in part from the Odd Fellows, "The Odes". 

Update:  While researching the Matt Wann story I came across this obituary for Matt Wann's son Robert E. "Bob" Wann. "On Feb. 10, 13 World War II veterans received France's highest honor for the roles they played in the liberation of that country in 1944 and 1945. Staff Sgt. Robert E. "Bob" Wann was one of the recipients of the Legion of Honor...Nearly four months after receiving his medal, Mr. Wann of Decatur died Friday from complications of melanoma at VistaCare Hospice. He was 92. A funeral was held Tuesday at A.S. Turner & Sons Funeral Home, which handled arrangements." Date of article, Wednesday June 8, 2011.

Sheriff Wann would have been proud of his son.  (This update 12/23/2011)

UPDATE -  May 25, 2019 - 1930 Census Info on Matt Wann - Matthew L. Wann, Estimated Birth Year 1877, at the time of Sheriff Wann's murder in 1932, he would have been near 55 yars of age.

Scottsboro, Alabama - May 25, 2019 - A ceremony was held at the Scottsboro Boys Museum in Scottsboro, Alabama in memory of Jackson County Sheriff Matt Wann. Sheriff Wann's grandson and his family members were in attendance. Sheriff Wann's photo and history were placed on the museum's Wall of Remembrance of those who defended the 9 Scottsboro Defendants known as "The Scottsboro Boys." A Jackson County Sheriff's Department representative was in attendance.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Scottsboro Boys Play Travels to Broadway

"Following a spring world-premiere run at Off-Broadway’s Vineyard Theatre, the new John Kander-Fred Ebb-David Thompson musical The Scottsboro Boys is currently playing a pre-Broadway engagement at Minnesota’s Guthrie prior to its Oct. 7 bow at the Lyceum Theatre," on Broadway.

On stage at the Guthrie with Gregg Huff: "Broadway bound "Scottsboro Boys" entertains, educates and touches the soul."

"In conversation with John Kander."

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Alabama Tourism Events--Scottsboro Boys Museum & Cultural Center

>>80th Anniversary of the Scottsboro Boys Trial - Scottsboro, Alabama<<
Special programs will take place in March 2011 at the new Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center to commemorate the famous civil rights trial.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Birmingham City Council Approves $240K for Birmingham Civil Rights Institute

16th Street Baptist Church, Birmingham, Al. Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
"The Birmingham City Council has approved emergency funding for the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, whose director said it could be forced to close if budget cuts continue."

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Republican's Southern Strategy = Racism

Examples of Republican Party Racism.

What is the Southern Strategy? Wiki has an excellent introduction to the Southern Strategy. "In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to a Republican Party (GOP) method of winning Southern states in the years after the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by exploiting opposition to the cultural upheaval of the 1960s/70s and in reaction to the changing economics of the South."

Other excellent articles on the "Southern Strategy:" " Conservative and preponderantly white national party," "Some Republicans seem to want to re-fight the Civil War -- and the civil rights movement."
Institute of Southern Studies on the history of the new Southern Strategy:

In Alabama we see the Southern Strategy in the Governors race. Robert Bentley in his political platform has highlighted "State Rights." Bentley says, "I believe the Tenth Amendment establishes limits on the federal government, which have not been enforced." Dr. Bentley has not replied to questions I have submitted to him regarding his statement and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Bentley's political platform concerning State Rights:  (The link listed was the link of Robert Bentley's political platform. It has been removed and replaced with "RB 2010 - Random Banter" How convenient considering the legal actions being taken against Alabama due to Bentley's racist policies based on state rights.)

Does Dr. Bentley believe the Civil Rights Act should not be enforced since this is a Federal Law? How about the 1965 Voting Rights Act? Both acts were established to counter white supremacy codified by state law. The Federal Government ended Jim Crow, Alabama did not. Alabama still maintains vestiges of Jim Crow in the state Constitution via the Miscegenation (interracial marriage) Clause. Racists within Alabama's governing bodies have prevented the removal of this clause.

UPDATE: Sep. 7, 2011 Gov "State Rights" Bentley's political platform statement has been removed from the web, the effect of racist policy and its application has not been removed. Examples: Comments about non-Christians Anti-immigration law, "Legalizing Racism..."    an article from this blog on immigration. 

Locally we see the Southern Strategy being implemented via surreptitious efforts of the Alabama Republican Party sending its representatives to Jackson County to organize groups of rural whites. This is evident in the formation of the Jackson County Patriots. Republican, Council of Conservative Citizen, CCC, ( This Word Press Blog was cancelled, they accomplished their mission and did not want to be exposed as racists.), organizers from St. Clair and Jefferson County's were present in the initial organizing phase of the Patriots. The 2 speakers standing before the group, which Senator Barron challenged, are Republican, CCC, organizers. On local discussion, you witness the same action when the conservative extremists are challenged. They lie, attack and make threats. This is the face of the far right "New Republican Party."

The Republican Party attempts to infuriate hidden racial prejudice in the hearts and minds of white people in our nation. The Republican Party propagandists prey on white guilt and racial prejudice like a hawk hunting a mouse. We witness this bigoted ideology from Republican ultra-conservative propaganda artists such as Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh just to name a few. Republican Tea Party signs

Stories about Republican racism on the Web: {Watch the slide show on the link from New York

Race baiting Republicans, birthers and massive lies. The Republican Southern Strategy spreads across the nation to drum up hatred of our black President:

The Republican Party's Southern Strategy is reflective of the Republican Party, some cases the racism is very visible, other cases the racism is covert. Which ever the case the Republican Party is travelling down a regressive, ultra-conservative road not in keeping with our Republic's Constitution. For some reason, the Party of Lincoln has decided they will do better if they appeal to hidden racial prejudices of whites. A political ideology that stands to damage our nation and the Republican Party for many years in the future. The Southern Strategy is an example of the greatest American war of all times, "The Culture War," there are no winners in this war.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Scottsboro residents upset over long-standing drainage problem

Click on image to expand view.

Update: August 25, 2010--At a meeting at St. Paul AME Church last night, Rev. Anderson stated he had met with the Mayor and other city officials to include FEMA representatives. Officials have suggested that residents which were flooded should move. It was stated property owners homes will be purchased and new homes will be made available at no charge to the current property owners. Currently flood victims are staying in area motels. Food assistance is being provided. Rev Anderson stated the motel stays will be extended, FEMA trailers will be made available as well as public housing. It was stated efforts are being made to acquire furniture to replace lost furniture. Fund raisers are scheduled at St.Paul Church, North Houston St., Friday and Saturday at 6PM. City council Meeting Link:

Cost of improved drainage could cost $17 million.

A helping hand.

History of flooding.

Video Link: Storms cause heavy flooding in Scottsboro
Flooding faults...It's their fault, no it's their fault, no it's their fault. No who's on first, no whose on second. Double talk and refusal to accept responsibility.
Priorities...Recreation or infrastructure? Failed drainage, urban blight, neglect. But new soccer fields, tennis courts and a splash park are far more important than adequate infrastructure to prevent flooding. The continued neglect of the minority community can not be tolerated. You witness the results of this trend of continuing neglect on the above video link.
Priorities seem to be confused with our current leadership. Which is more important, infrastructure or recreation?
Here's the problem folks, a larger well planned drainage system usually does not have a nice big bronze "vanity plaque" on it that lists those who built the ditch. Maybe a large "vanity plaque" should be erected with a drainage project, maybe then an adequate drainage system could be built.
A larger well planned drainage system will cost many millions but it must be accomplished or we will experiance flooding problems on a much more frequent basis due to development changing the course of smaller waterways and over stressing historical area drainage. Changing climate patterns will also result in more extremes in weather. Scottsboro's drainage system must be improved sooner rather than later and must receive a high priority.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Gurley, Alabama C.M.E. Church Visit to Scottsboro Boys Museum

On Friday July 30, 2010 the CME Church of Gurley, Alabama Vacation Bible School visited the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center. There were 14 young people and adults who made the trip to Scottsboro to learn about the Scottsboro Boys Case and how the case relates to our legal system and race relations in the United States today.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Scottsboro Boys Play at the Vineyard Theater

Vineyard Theater Play Bill, an original may be seen at the Scottsboro Boys Museum signed by cast members of the play.

Currently playing at the Vineyard Theater is the controversial play about the Scottsboro Boys Case. This is a minstrel style musical, for more information go to . Information about the play at the Lyceum Theater begining in October of 2010 .

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Louisiana Scout Troop Visits the Scottsboro Boys Museum

Scout Troop 65 from Monroe, Louisiana pose for a group picture, a group of fine young people and leaders.
Scout Troop 65 on the bus heading to Atlanta. Scout Master Rev. Roosevelt Wright is seated front right in the picture. Before Atlanta they will stop at Unclaimed Baggage.

Ms. Sheila Washington, Scottsboro Boys Museum and Scottsboro/Jackson County Multi-cultural Heritage Foundation Chairperson.

Many Thanks to the Chairperson of the Jackson County Commission, Ms. Sadie Bias, State Representative John Robinson, Scottsboro Mayor Melton Potter and Chamber of Commerce Tourism Director for making presentations and welcoming Scout Troop 65 to Scottsboro.
Part of Troop 65 young ladies and future leaders of Monroe, Louisiana.

Mayor Potter and Ms. Washington speak to some of the Scout Group.

Scout Troop 65 from Monroe, Louisiana visited the Scottsboro Boys Museum Tuesday July 6th. The Scout Troop's knickname is the Time Travelers and is a co-ed Troop of Explorer Scouts.

Rev. Roosevelt Wright is the Scout Master and stated that the book “The Children of Panther Burn" created interest for the trip to Scottsboro.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Juneteenth Celebration at the Scottsboro Boys Museum

Dr. and Ms. Kinshasa receive a special gift, museum history and scrap book, from the Scottsboro Boys Museum Historian, Garry Morgan. (Photo by Darlene Korab)

Many thanks to Ms. Darlene Korab for answering the call for help in the photo department.

Dr Kwando Kinshasa visits Scottsboro, Huntsville Times pictures and story:

Congressional Candidate Steve Raby, Democrat, 5th Congressional District was present with his family on Saturday at the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center. Steve is a down to earth person, a family man who cares about our area. I was very impressed with Mr. Raby.

The Juneteenth celebration at the Scottsboro Boys Museum & Cultural Center was a memorable event. 75 people ate with us for this Juneteenth celebration. BBQ rib plates, hamburgers, hot dogs and polish sausages were enjoyed by many participants. We started cooking the ribs at 9AM, by 10AM the smell of hickory smoked BBQ filled the air around the museum. An ominous threat of rain and a thunderstorm passed us by to the south. The Reverend R. L Shanklin prepared and cooked the ribs. I cooked the hot dogs, burgers and sausages. Rev. Shanklin's ribs were extraordinary, marinated overnight, cooked just right and continuously basted with just the right combination of sauce. Needless to say, we sold out of ribs. Many thanks to the following ladies: Ms. Cheryl Snodgrass Caffey for preparing the baked beans, and potato salad; Ms. Louise Johnson for coleslaw; Ms. Elizabeth Johnson for deviled eggs; ladies serving food were: Mayor Ann Martin, Ms. Betty Price and Ms. Loretta Stevens. A special thanks to Mr. Byron Green for all of his help and for bringing the "Big BBQ Cooker" and Mr. Tommy Miller of Scottsboro Meats for his "Big Cooker."

A very special thanks goes out to Mrs. Lynda Hodges who prepared food, flowers and table settings on Friday night to welcome Dr. and Mrs. Kinshasa to Scottsboro.

Many Thanks to the numerous retail businesses in Scottsboro who made contributions toward our event: Flowers Bread, Golden Flake Potato Chips, Little Debbie Pastries, Maples Rugs ( Thank you Mrs. Maples for the rug contribution. Many more thanks for your financial support of the museum.) Purity Ice Cream, Scottsboro Meat Market (Tommy Miller has a great grill for BBQing tons of food.) and WalMart, WalMart has made several contributions to us-,many thanks!

Mr. Charles Elliot provided opening prayer, Ms. Cheryl Snodgrass Caffey spoke about the meaning of the Juneteenth event. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Spears were presented with a gift of appreciation for their service to the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center.

Other speakers included Ms. Sheila Washington and Dr. Kenneth Pitts provided closing prayer. There were several singers to grace the halls of Joyce Chapel. Every time folks sing, the old Chapel enhances the beautiful sound of archipelago voices. Singers included Mr. Alex Ellison, Howard Branford and Mr. Franklin McDaniels. Mr. McDaniels brought his harmonica and once again the beautiful melodious notes resonated within the walls of the museum and chapel.

45 people stayed for Dr Kinshasa's presentation. Dr. Kinshasa is a moving speaker, he related to the group about the interview of Clarence Norris. He told of Norris' ordeals as related to him by Mr. Norris. In the video Mr. Norris spoke bluntly about his experiences on death row in Jim Crow Alabama. He spoke of Attorney General Knight and the Judges.

Dr. Kinshasa's account of the raid at Harper's Ferry was equally interesting. He told of the 5 African Americans who were on the raid with John Brown. One of the African Americans was Lewis Sheridan Leary.

He spoke about the 4 states of the Union which the Emancipation Proclamation did not apply which slavery was legal. They were Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky and Missouri, those states did not secede from the Union but practiced slavery.

Of equal interest was the revelation concerning Adolph Hitler sending an envoy to the southern states to study the justice system of the Jim Crow South.

Dr. Kinshasa's theme was that of the "exit, voice and loyalty framework" as it applies to African Americans and the Scottsboro Boys. "Exit, voice and loyalty" is a process which reflects a political community and peoples migration from tyranny. An oppressed people will flee an area of oppression to have their voice heard while remaining loyal to their cause and people. Such is the case of the Scottsboro Boys. As one examines the Scottsboro Boys mothers and families stricken by the horrors of tyrannical Jim Crow white supremacy, the framework of "exit, voice and loyalty" becomes very clear, particularly since the mothers of the Scottsboro Defendants traveled around the world in the attempts to gain justice and freedom for their children. Clarence Norris and Haywood Patterson escaped to tell their story. The Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center will continue to present the history of their struggles. As George Santayana said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

GOP Mouthpieces Claim Presidential Administration Racist.

The Republican Party, via its mouthpieces, claim reverse discrimination by the Obama Administration.

I have heard several comments from citizens supporting the far right wing of the Republican Party making the same false allegations. I believe the basis for these comments are racial prejudices against blacks by whites who refuse to accept people of color as equals in our society.

This article illustrates the incredible paranoia enveloping the Republican Party.

In observing the Tea Party Movement the racial makeup is 99% white. The Republican Party's extremist right wing, the Tea Party movement, has taken this opportunity to expound on hidden agendas and fears perpetuated by Jim Crow Racism. Unfortunately, the hidden agenda of racial prejudice is being perpetuated within the Party to gain white votes.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Juneteenth Celebration-Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center

The Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center, 428 West Willow St., Scottsboro, Al., 35768, is sponsoring the Scottsboro/Jackson County MultiCultural Heritage Foundation 1st Annual Juneteenth Celebration from 10AM to 4PM on Saturday, June 19th, 2010. Enjoy historical reflections, music, food (hot dogs, hamburgers, BBQ plates) and refreshments.
Your attendance is requested and appreciated to support the museum and cultural center. Food, drinks, t-shirts and coffee mugs will be sold to help us support the museum.

Our guest speaker will be noted professor and author Dr. Kwando Mbiassi Kinshasa, Chairperson of the African American Studies Department, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York, author of many books including the "Man from Scottsboro." Dr. Kinshasa will present the story of Clarence Norris. Hear the recorded voice of Clarence Norris as he shares his experiances as one of the "Scottsboro Nine." Faculty profile of Dr. Kinshasa:

"Juneteenth is a day on which honor and respect is paid for the sufferings of slavery. It is a day on which we acknowledge the evils of slavery and its aftermath. On Juneteenth we talk about our history and realize because of it, there will forever be a bond between us." Read more about Juneteenth and its historical meanings: