All of this was made possible by one of the producers of the Scottsboro Boys Show, Catherine Schreiber. The "show" brought us to New York for the Thursday evening "Talk-back Session" after the musical performance. http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/momsandthecity/2010/12/broadway.html Many thanks to Mrs. Schreiber for her work, a memorable experiance in which we have made new friends.
.We participated in a "talk back" after the play Thursday night, discussing the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center. Video's of the talk back...
Stage Rush Review of the Talk Back: http://www.stage-rush.com/2010/12/scottsboro-boys-talkback/
.The play closed Sunday Dec 12, 2010 at the Lyceum Theater. http://www.facebook.com/ScottsboroBoys
Photo's before and after the event may be viewed at Catherine Schreiber's Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/album.php?aid=79839&id=1615233330 .
.Photo's before and after the event may be viewed at Catherine Schreiber's Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/album.php?aid=79839&id=1615233330 .
The Lyceum Theater is New York's oldest theater, it has a Baroque design, opening in 1903 it is also the first to be a historic landmark . http://www.newyorkcitytheatre.com/theaters/lyceumtheater/history.php http://www.nyc-architecture.com/MID/MID111.htm
There was earlier controversy and protest in New York concerning the minstrel portrayal of the case relating to such a serious matter. The Scottsboro Boys Museum staff reply then and now, "out of controversy comes the opportunity for education and further opportunity to address the issue of racism, part of our mission for the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0LUeDPeZcg&feature=player_embedded
None of us, after seeing the play, believe this play is a negative portrayal of African American History. The play utilized dramatic license to emphasize a point in our history which was reflective of Jim Crow America and the struggles of African Americans in our nation. The minstrel show was a segment of early 20th century African American history.
One of the most brilliant parts of the play and the plays last scene was the portrayal of Rosa Parks sitting on the front of the bus, being told to sit in the back, the bus driver says, "you can't sit here," her reply was, " I think I'll stay right here and rest my weary feet," the stage darkened and the show ended. A most brilliant ending to the show. Ms. Rosa Parks related in her biography, the "Scottsboro Boys" gave her the courage to take action.
We have suggested to Mrs. Schreiber she should bring the show to the south, to include Scottsboro (maybe The Lyceum at Northeast College), Huntsville, Birmingham, Montgomery, Atlanta, Chattanooga, etc. Their travel to Jackson County Alabama and the southern states is a very real possibility.
Catherine, many thanks for this opportunity, we have made new friends and look forward to meeting once again.
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