Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Scottsboro residents upset over long-standing drainage problem

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Update: August 25, 2010--At a meeting at St. Paul AME Church last night, Rev. Anderson stated he had met with the Mayor and other city officials to include FEMA representatives. Officials have suggested that residents which were flooded should move. It was stated property owners homes will be purchased and new homes will be made available at no charge to the current property owners. Currently flood victims are staying in area motels. Food assistance is being provided. Rev Anderson stated the motel stays will be extended, FEMA trailers will be made available as well as public housing. It was stated efforts are being made to acquire furniture to replace lost furniture. Fund raisers are scheduled at St.Paul Church, North Houston St., Friday and Saturday at 6PM. City council Meeting Link:

Cost of improved drainage could cost $17 million.

A helping hand.

History of flooding.

Video Link: Storms cause heavy flooding in Scottsboro
Flooding faults...It's their fault, no it's their fault, no it's their fault. No who's on first, no whose on second. Double talk and refusal to accept responsibility.
Priorities...Recreation or infrastructure? Failed drainage, urban blight, neglect. But new soccer fields, tennis courts and a splash park are far more important than adequate infrastructure to prevent flooding. The continued neglect of the minority community can not be tolerated. You witness the results of this trend of continuing neglect on the above video link.
Priorities seem to be confused with our current leadership. Which is more important, infrastructure or recreation?
Here's the problem folks, a larger well planned drainage system usually does not have a nice big bronze "vanity plaque" on it that lists those who built the ditch. Maybe a large "vanity plaque" should be erected with a drainage project, maybe then an adequate drainage system could be built.
A larger well planned drainage system will cost many millions but it must be accomplished or we will experiance flooding problems on a much more frequent basis due to development changing the course of smaller waterways and over stressing historical area drainage. Changing climate patterns will also result in more extremes in weather. Scottsboro's drainage system must be improved sooner rather than later and must receive a high priority.

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