Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Immigration madness - how racist political leadership costs all citizens regardless of race.

Fair use for education and news - CNN photo - "In schools, towns and farms, battle heats up over Alabama's tough immigration law"

Rotting tomatoes in fields as no one is available to pick them.

"Immigration law case payouts now total $580,000. That is not counting the states legal expenses...The law barred and criminalized contracts with illegal immigrants, required new students to provide immigration information for public school enrollment, barred illegal immigrants from transactions with governments, required the carrying of proof of lawful immigration status, barred illegal immigrants from seeking jobs and allowed law enforcement officers to check immigration status of people during routine traffic stops and other law enforcement contact. It allowed law enforcement to hold suspected illegal immigrants without bond." http://blog.al.com/wire/2014/05/alabama_agrees_to_230000_to_se.html

Crops rot in fields, farms fail http://mic.com/articles/8272/alabama-illegal-immigrant-crackdown-destroys-farm-business

Georgia racist policies resulted in a $1 billion dollar loss to its economy, Alabama realized the same results times 10. http://immigrationimpact.com/2014/02/13/farm-bureau-warns-enforcement-only-immigration-reform-would-harm-americas-food-supply/

More on the Alabama law which is about racism instead of good sense. http://immigrationimpact.com/category/state-and-local-immigration-law/alabama/

Immigrant rights activists in gather at Kelly Ingram Park–site of many protests during the civil rights struggle in Birmingham–to call for immigration reform. (Fair use, education, news: Photo by Alex Stonehill)

More References on Immigrant Labor
The Chicken Trail   The "chicken trail" -- the recruitment of Latino poultry workers along the US-Mexican border for employment in southeastern states from Arkansas and Missouri to the Carolinas.

Amnesty - Reasons to Grant Amnesty to Illegal aliens

Migrant Workers Protection Act  http://www.dol.gov/whd/mspa/

 Harvest of Dignity is a new, original documentary created in 2011. It focuses on the lives and work of farm workers in North Carolina, providing an in-depth portrait of the people who harvest our food today. It combines interviews with North Carolina farm workers, advocates, faith leaders and educators, documentary photos and interviews collected by Student Action with Farmworkers interns and clips from the original Harvest of Shame documentary.   Harvest of Dignity

Immigrant Rights in Alabama

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