Sunday, November 11, 2012

Republican Party Racism in Alabama - House Speaker Mike Hubbard denounced U.S. Voting Rights Act

Republican Party racism in Alabama - House Speaker Mike Hubbard denounced U.S. Voting Rights Act.

ACLU and NAACP requested UN Observers to monitor U.S. Election polls due to Republican Party racial discrimination.

"Alabama Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard is, in protest of the monitors’ presence preparing legislation to have all poll watchers in Alabama hold U.S. citizenship. “It’s bad enough that Alabama remains trapped under the provisions of the Voting Rights Act,” Hubbard said “So we certainly don’t need anyone from the United Nations coming into our state and meddling in our elections, as well.”

Unfortunately with people such as Mike Hubbard and the other racists in the Republican Party we do need poll watchers.

Federal Law forced Alabama to end racist practices in State Government and its laws. Unfortunately racist action words remain in Alabama's Constitution. We have ignorant political representatives such as Hubbard who denounce Equal Opportunity Laws.

Other Republican racists link removal of racist words and past law in Alabama's Constitution with removal of other rights of the people, such as public education rights placed on the line in the recent Alabama Amendment 4. Republican State Senator Arthur Orr is responsible for that racist attempt at removing the public education rights of children. The actions of racists in Alabama point toward the formation of fascist policy making within the Alabama Republican Party. The right wing Alabama Republican extremists have demonstrated their penchant for racism and fascism.

We also have local politicians who have removed citizens right to vote for their county commission. Rights to vote removed under the excuse of costs. All the while elected officials in Jackson County Alabama vote themselves large pay increases.

A local act was submitted by the local legislative delegation, Republican majority, per request of the out going commission, questionable Democrats, and approved by a minority number of total voters casting ballots. 7,136 did not vote on this local Constitutional Amendment. 8,889 voted to remove voting rights compared with 4,996 voted to preserve their right to vote on county commissioners when they can not serve their term of office. The law allows the governor to appoint a county commissioner for whatever reason the elected official cannot serve their term in office. Previous law allowed voters to choose by vote empty county commissioner positions over one year in length; under a year remaining in office the Governor would appoint.

This act was passed out of ignorance and hatred by Republicans for former Senator Lowell Barron, the state senator who was responsible for the old law which established the citizens right to choose by vote an empty county commissioner's position.

STAND UP FOR ALABAMA say Alabama Republicans today, parroting the racist mantra of George Wallace. Unfortunately yesterday and today the phrase does not mean stand for equal opportunity for the people of Alabama. A letter from Governor Wallace's  daughter:

Map lays out racist election tweets, most originated from southeast

Mississippi and Alabama point of origin for highest ratio of bigoted hate speech on Twitter following election. Read more:

Map of the Location Quotients for Post Election Racist Tweets

Click here to access an interactive version of the map at GeoCommons

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