Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Republican Party Attacking Voting Rights, A Continuation of the Southern Strategy by Weakening Voting Rights of Minorities.


Republicans will do whatever it takes to win, including rewriting election laws so the neu GOP will win. "Looking to capitalize on their historic gains last year, Republican lawmakers in several states are rewriting their election laws in ways that could make it more difficult for Democrats to win." http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Articles/2011/09/16/WP-GOP-Rewrites-state-election-law.aspx#page1

"A partisan political advantage in elections...changing the rules of the game in a dramatic way...changing the meaning of the vote..." Rachel Maddow and Tulane professor Melissa Harris-Perry, asks viewers to consider what’s going on in Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and other states in this NBC video from the Rachel Maddow Show.

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

You Tube exposes, attacks on voting rights, child labor laws and disenfranchisement of minorities and the poor.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Tea Party Event and a Frederick Douglas Republican

Mr. K. Carl Smith, a U.S Army Veteran,  an Alabama A&M University graduate and a Frederick Douglas Republican.

I attended the Jackson County Tea Party event at the Jackson County Park. There were 85 people at peak attendance. Music, speakers and politicians appeared and spoke. Food and Blue Grass Music were available to excite the gastronomical senses and please the ears. A full report on the event with many photos may be found at Watch for Snakes n' Scottsboro http://arklite.blogspot.com

Mr. K. Carl Smith is a FDR Republican. Not the FDR of the Great Depression and President at the beginning of World War 2, this FDR stands for a Frederick Douglas Republican. Mr. Smith brought a sphere of unity where unity had been lacking. He spoke of the 4 Frederick Douglas values 1) Respect for the Constitution, 2) Respect for Life, 3) Limited Government, 4) Personal Responsibility.

"Who are the Frederick Douglas Republicans," he asked? "We are people who are not afraid to stand up for our beliefs and convictions. We are every day citizens who will fight for liberty and justice and are not satisfied with the status quo. This movement is not about the color of our skin, this is about values."

In his book Mr. Smith goes on to say, "Frederick Douglas Republicans are not bound by race, color, creed or religion. We come together as a united front..."
Who are Fredrick Douglas Republicans?

Mr. K. Carl Smith has the "right stuff," and he is a person which could motivate the people of U.S. Congressional District #5 to vote for him. I thought he was a down to earth motivational speaker and well grounded in his values. He has an innovative approach and is well versed in the "Art of Engagement." He is the "Conservative Messenger." http://conservativemessenger.org/  Mr. Smith has the capability to foster unity and demonstrates positive leadership.

The question and challenge, will the Jackson County Tea Party distance itself from the Republican extremist "Southern Strategy," a hidden policy of racial discrimination expressed in advertisements and secessionist 10th Amendment rhetoric and political policy?    http://scottsborostories.blogspot.com/2010/09/republicans-southern-strategy-racism.html  

As Mr.Smith pointed out the Democrats of the 19th and 20th century practiced a racial discriminatory and exclusionary policy, so did the Republicans. No doubt times have changed, members of the "White Rooster" conservatives remaining have migrated to the Republican Party and make up a base of the right wing extreme. There are Democrats which do not subscribe to extremist, exclusionary politics. The terms conservative and liberal are frequently confused and utilized as a divisional tactic of both political parties. We desperately need unity, will the Tea Party subscribe to American Unity or support exclusively Republican Party political strategy?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hispanic Heritage Month and The Story of an American Hero, Tango-Mike-Mike

Hispanic American Heritage Month for 2011: Sept. 15 - Oct. 15. This years poster from DEOMI, Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute.

A story about a brave soldier, MSG Raul "Roy" Benavidez, awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. I had the privilege of meeting MSG Benavidez at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas after his award. His story  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Benavidez

Profile of U.S. Ambassador Miguel Diaz, U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See (Vatican), talks about being a Cuban American and the meaning of Hispanic Heritage Month.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Remembering 9-11-2001 in Pictures and Video

         THE TWIN TOWERS PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 11, 2001     (selected photographs from "The Day That Changed America" by AMI)

At 8:45AM Eastern Time on September 11, 2001 an attack began on our homeland, an event that changed America, our culture and how many citizens view peoples of Middle Eastern descent. The terrorist attack on that memorable day 10 years ago changed our nation forever, it did not change what our nation represents, Liberty, Freedom and justice in the Republic . The terrorist will never defeat our people's spirit nor the meaning of our Constitution.
The 9/11 Memorial Website: http://www.911-remember.com/
September 11 News Archive: http://www.september11news.com/
                        We shall never forget
                        We shall keep this day,
                        We shall keep the events and the tears
                        In our minds, our memory and our hearts
                        and take them with us as we carry on.

                        (from the The 9/11 Memorial Website)

CNN Memorial site: http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/memorial/