Friday, January 21, 2011

Black History Month Events at The Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center

Beginning on February the 1st, 2011 the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center will be presenting several programs involving Black History Month. The public is cordially invited to our kick off celebration of Black History Month on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at 10AM.
The featured guest speaker on Tuesday the 1st of February will be Ms. Marilyn Jones Stamps. Ms. Stamps is in charge of the Publications Division of the Alabama Department of Tourism, she is the coordinator of the "Alabama Vacation Guide" and editor of the "Alabama Calender of Events." She has been employed by the State of Alabama for more than 30 years.
Ms. Stamps has a passion for history which she attributes to growing up in the Civil Rights era of the 1950's and 60s. She grew up in a large family of 15 in the Jonesville Community of Matthews, Alabama.
During the February 1st program guest speakers will be Senator Shad McGill, District 8 Senator representing Jackson, Dekalb and part of Madison County; Ms.Sadie Bias, Chairperson of the Jackson County Commission and the first woman Chairperson of the Jackson County Commission; Mayor Melton Potter, Mayor of Scottsboro, Alabama; Reverend Robert Shanklyn, past President of the Alabama NAACP and several other guest speakers.
The February 1, 2011 date is a special date for the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center as it represents the 1st year of operation. The past year has been fantastic, we have received donations to purchase the property for the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center and many in the community have supported our cause. A cause dedicated to telling the story of "The Scottsboro Boys" and how the tragic event begining on March 25, 1931 began the modern Civil Rights era.

1 comment:

  1. How do you keep a people down? ‘Never' let them 'know' their history.

    "If a race has no history, it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated."

    Dr. Carter G. Woodson 1875 – 1950

    “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.”

    Marcus Garvey 1887-1940

    "A tree without roots can bare no fruit, it will die."

    Erich Martin Hicks 1952 - Present

    Keep telling that history, our history:

    Read the novel; Rescue at Pine Ridge, "RaPR", a great story of Black military history...the first generation of Buffalo Soldiers.

    The 7th Cavalry got their butts in a sling again after the Little Big Horn Massacre, fourteen years later, the day after the Wounded Knee Massacre. If it wasn't for the 9th Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers, there would of been a second massacre of the 7th Cavalry.

    Read the novel, “Rescue at Pine Ridge”, 5 stars Amazon, Barnes & Noble and the youtube trailer commercial...and visit the website

    I know you’ll enjoy the novel. I wrote the story that embodied the Native Americans, Outlaws and African-American/Black Soldiers, from the south to the north, in the days of the Native American Wars with the approaching United States of America. This story is about, brutality, compassion, reprisal, bravery, heroism and gallantry. Read the novel, Rescue at Pine Ridge, the story of the rescue of the famed 7th Cavalry by the 9th Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers.

    The novel was taken from my mini-series movie of the same title, “RaPR” to keep my story alive. Hollywood has had a lot of strikes and doesn’t like telling our stories…its been “his-story” of history all along…until now. The movie so far has attached, Bill Duke directing, Hill Harper, Glynn Turman, James Whitmore Jr. and a host of other major actors in which we are in talks with.

    When you get a chance, also please visit our Alpha Wolf Production website at; and see our other productions, like Stagecoach Mary, the first Black Woman to deliver mail for the United States Postal System in Montana, in the 1890's, “spread the word”.

