The Scottsboro/Jackson County Multi-Cultural Heritage Foundation, Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center purchased the historic Joyce Chapel, founded 1876, rebuilt 1904, in Scottsboro, Alabama at 4:55PM on April 15, 2010, just 5 minutes before a deadline set by the area Methodist Superintendent.
The historic African American Church was purchased from the North Alabama Conference, Northeast District of the United Methodist Church for $75,000. The Northeast Alabama Methodist Superintendent, Rev. Tom Bell, had given the Multi-Cultural Heritage Foundation's leadership a deadline of 5:00PM Thursday to purchase the property or it would be sold to a "business investor" after 5:00PM on April 15th, according to Rev. Bell.
"It is an exciting and historic day," commented Ms. Sheila Washington, Foundation President. Ms. Washington witnessed her 17 year dream come true today at the historic ceremony. Ms Washington stated she had been pondering the possibilities of a Scottsboro Boys Museum for the past 17 years.
Ms. Washington along with Foundation Board Members Rev. Gary Speers, Mrs. Kim Spears, Mrs. Louise Toliver, Mr. Charles Elliot and Rev. Cliff Parrish participated in the ceremonial check and deed signing with Rev. Tom Bell, Northeast Alabama District Superintendent, United Methodist Church.
The Multi-Cultural Heritage Foundation received $37,500 from the Jackson County Legislative Delegation and $37,500 from an anonymous North Alabama donor via Calvert Foundation's Giving Fund. http://www.calvertgiving.org/
The anonymous North Alabama donor made the donation in behalf of Judge Samuel Liebowitz who was the "Sottsboro Boys" attorney begining with the Morgan County Alabama trials at Decatur. Judge Liebowitz became a Kings County, Brooklyn, New York Judge in 1940's post World War 2 and a New York State Supreme Court Justice in 1962. A change of venue resulted in the trials being moved from Scottsboro, Jackson County Circuit Court to Decatur, Morgan County Circuit Court.
Joyce Chapel's historic record was presented along with the Warranty Deed during the ceremony. Several remodeling projects have taken place during the church's 134 year history.
It is interesting to note the Joyce Chapel congregation had taken out several mortgages on the property during the church's history for the purpose of remodeling the church. All mortgages were paid and the property was owned without encumbrances by the Trustees of Joyce Chapel. The last being paid for in the year 2000.
In Jan of 2009 Ms. Mary Abernathy, Administrative Chairperson, Joyce Chapel United Methodist Church wrote a letter to Rev. D. Tom Bell, Jr., District Superintendent, stating a person from the Seventh Day Adventist Church had approached her concerning buying the property. She referred the inquiry to Rev. Bell since we are an "area connected church." Ms Abernathy goes on to say in her letter that "we had our last service on Sunday, Jan 11, 2009."
Ms. Abernathy's closing remarks in the letter were as follows. " I want you to know that Jan. 11, 2009 was a sad day for me because I grew up in this church. But I know changes will take place and with God's help and guidance, I will find another church home
The following is the exact history as recorded within the historical documents presented to the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center.
"History of Joyce Chapel, United Methodist Church, Scottsboro, Alabama"
"Joyce Chapel United Methodist Church was organized in 1876 by Rev. J. Willis with approximately 56 members A building was erected on land donated by Wiley Whitfield, a black landowner."
"At its founding the church was named Joyce Chapel M.E. (Methodist Episcopal) Church and all of the governing bodies were black."
"Our Church as well as other black churches was seperate from the white churches. However, in 1968, all the Methodist Churches were merged and the term "united" was incorporated. As a result the name was changed to Joyce Chapel United Methodist Church. We now have the same district superintendent governing all churches of this district, and one (1) annual conference. Today we have a few integrated congregations."
"Years ago all of the black churches in Scottsboro worshipped together, each having its designated Sunday and everyone supported that church regardless of affiliation. Joyce Chapel used the 4th Sunday and everyone came to the "pike" as it was commonly known."
"Joyce Chapel was always on a circuit with the black churches in Stevenson and Cedar Grove. One minister served the three churches, alternating Sundays. It was not until 1997 that this practice was discontinued."
"The church had never had a large membership and it has steadily declined. Currently Joyce Chapel has 11 members on roll of which 5 are active."
"The church had never had a large membership and it has steadily declined. Currently Joyce Chapel has 11 members on roll of which 5 are active."
"The present building was erected in 1947 under the leadership of Rev. Jesse Culpeper. There are presently two landmarks from the old building-steps and a well, and the first piano is still housed in the building. The present structure was remodeled in 1984, adding brick veneer, stained windows, new carpet, and other items to beautify the church. It is soundly built with a main sanctuary an adjoining room for miscellaneous uses, pastors study, choir room, kitchen and restrooms. The ceilings are wooden and walls are plastered, finished by John Sanford and son, Ben."
"The following pastors have served Joyce Chapel: Rev. J. Willis, Callahan; Pollard; L. Langford, Slaughter, Howell, Nolan, Porter, C. Langford, Joiner, Jordan, Bell, C. Jones, Ayers, Abernathy, Dobbins, Buckley, K. Jones, C. Dobbins (Rev. Dobbins was the first full time pastor.)"
There was no author listed on this history. However, since Ms. Mary E. Abernathy was the last officer of Joyce Chapel, the above history is attributed to Ms. Abernathy as the Administrative Chairperson, Joyce Chapel United Methodist Church.
There are two pastors which must be noted as additions to the history. 1) Rev. A.L. Boyd, 1904, M.E; source, Joyce Chapel Cornerstone dated 1904. 2) Rev. Diane Williams, last pastor of Joyce Chapel; source, sign in front of church.
The Daily Sentinel Story link by Dewayne Patterson of the event. http://www.thedailysentinel.com/story.lasso?ewcd=fd2f1b8f27a79d4e
Left in Alabama's coverage of the event. http://www.leftinalabama.com/diary/6122/#50683
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