Sunday, March 21, 2010

Joyce Chapel Service, "The Joy of Moving Ahead," Reverend Donna King.

The story of the Miracle of Salvation thru dramatic dance and music by the "Rejoice Praise Team." A beautiful moving presentation. 42 people enjoyed the Sunday afternoon service at Joyce Chapel, Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center.

Singer and guitarist Mark Vernon provides beautiful music for the soul during the event.
This afternoons 3PM service at Joyce Chapel was conducted by Reverend Donna King, "The Barefoot Preacher," Pastor of Hollis Memorial Methodist Church on South Broad Street. Reverend Kings message to the community, "The Joy of Moving Ahead."
"Keep your eyes wide open so we may see what God provides for us. Look back long enough so we may learn. God has something new, a better day, the future is bright. God has provided this community a blessing. This is the story for Joyce Chapel." Absolutely Reverend King, God will provide.

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