Monday, January 18, 2016

Sermon by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. "Why Jesus Called a Man a Fool" August 27, 1967; The Martin Luther King and Malcolm X Debate and Dr. Derrick Hudson on Dr. King

Martin Luther King and Malcolm X Debate

Dr. Derrick Hudson Presentation: "On March 26th, 1964, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X met at the United States Capital to hear deliberations on the Civil Rights Bill being debated by the United States Senate. I was born on March 9, 1964, so I would have been a mere 17 days old when these two men, whose shoulders I stand upon, came face to face with one another..."

"There is a danger in making MLK a mere object of hero-worship. By this we allow his courage to substitute for our fear, his boldness to take the place of our timidity, his radical call to hide our tepid
conformity. If we do this, we shall simply be like the people Brutus describes in the lines following his quote above, where he refers to those who omit to take on the affairs of men at the flood: "Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat; and we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures." If, in our current affairs, we allow ourselves to be bound in shallows and miseries instead of taking issues at the flood, we shall simply be angry men and women who live the life of endless, but futile critics..."

Link to the rest of Dr. Hudson's presentation -

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Inconvenient Truth - Black American Lynchings and The Use of The "N" Word.

Fair Use for non-profit educational display. 
Story and picture from Face Book
Excerpt taken from the article, "Black Women Lynched in America," photo is of Laura Nelson.

Black American Lynchings and The Use of The "N" Word.

"American mobs lynched some 5000 Black Americans since 1859, scores of whom were women, several of them p...regnant. Rarely did the killers spend time in jail because the white mobs and the government officials who protected them believed justice mean't (just us) white folks. Lynching denied Black American's the right to a trial or the right to due process. No need for a lawyer and a jury of your peers: the white community decided what happened and what ought to be done. After the whites accused Laura Nelson of killing a white deputy In Oklahoma, they raped this Black woman, tied her to a bridge trestle and for good measure, they lynched her son from a telephone pole. Did the white community react in horror after viewing the dangling corpses of Laura Nelson and her son? No, they came by the hundreds, making their way by cars, horse driven wagons, and by foot to view the lynching. Dressed in their Sunday best, holding their children’s hands and hugging their babies, the white on-lookers looked forward to witnessing the spectacle of a modern day crucifixion. They snapped pictures of Laura Nelson, placed them on postcards and mailed them to their friends boasting about the execution. They chopped off the fingers, sliced off the ears of Ms. Holbert, placed the parts in jars of alcohol and displayed them in their windows.

White America today know little or nothing about lynching because it contradicts every value America purports to stand for. Black Americans, too, know far too little about the lynchings because the subject is rarely taught in school. Had they known more about these lynchings, I am almost certain that Black Americans would have taken anyone to task, including gangster rappers, for calling themselves niggers or calling Black women “hoes” and “bitches.” How could anybody in their right mind call these Black women who were sexually abused, mutilated, tortured and mocked the same degrading name spoken by their murderers? What Black woman in her right state of mind would snap her fingers or tap her feet to the beat of a song that contained the same degrading remarks that the whites uttered when they raped and lynched them.

The lynchers and the thousands of gleeful spectators called these Black women niggers when they captured them, niggers when they placed the rope around their necks and niggers when their necks snapped. Whites viewed Black women as hated black things, for, how else can one explain the treatment of Mary Turner? The lynch mob ignored her cries for mercy, ripped off her clothes, tied her ankles together, turned her upside down, doused her naked body with gas and oil, set her naked body on fire, ripped her baby out of her, stomped the child to death and laughed about it. Blacks purchased Winchesters to protect themselves, staged demonstrations, created anti-lynching organizations, pushed for anti-lynching legislation and published articles and books attacking the extralegal violence.

So who are our real heroes? Lil Kim Is not a hero. Oprah is not a hero. Whoopie Goldberg is not a hero. Michael Jordan is not a hero. Dennis Rodman is not a hero. They are entertainers, sport figures, creations of the media, media icons and they are about making huge sums of money and we wish these enterprising stars well. Mary Turner, Laura Nelson, Marie Scott and Jennie Steers and countless others who died painful, horrifying deaths are your true historical heroes. Niggers they were not, bitches they were not and hoes they were not. They will not go down in history for plastering their bodies with tattoos, inventing exotic diets, endorsing Gatorade, embracing studio gangsterism. They were strong beautiful Black women who suffered excruciating pain, died horrible deaths. Their legacy of strength lives on. These are my heroes. Make them yours as well".

Before you even form your mouth again to use the "N" word, please consider the inhumanity behind the origin of the word, consider the history of pain and death tied to that word and vow to never use it again, ever!""

Excerpt taken from the article, "Black Women Lynched in America".
Attached photo is of Laura Nelson. (Fair Use Rights for non-profit education.)

Fair Use Rights for non-profit educational use
We must never forget our history so that we may never repeat our mistakes.