Saturday, June 16, 2012

Military veteran fired-Issues: Discrimination, nursing in uniform, attack on women and poor military leadership.

A recent photo has resulted in the photographers employer firing the photographer. The photography depicts nursing military mothers, in uniform, providing food for their child. More on the story:

A related story concerning the nursing mothers photographed. Nursing mothers reprimanded, military officials claim photographs and related press releases concerning the issue is political campaigning in uniform which is illegal: "Terran Echegoyen-McCabe, a member of the Air National Guard, was photographed in uniform nursing her 10-month-old twin daughters. Sitting next to her, also nursing, is Christina Luna. Both Luna and Echegoyen-McCabe live and work at the Fairchild Air Force Base in Spokane." Link to the story:

ABC NEWS VIDEO about issue.

Friday, June 1, 2012

National Equality Observance Themes, Courtesy of Department of Defense Equal Opportunity Institute-DEOMI

Americans represent many cultures and backgrounds, celebrate our diversity.

 National Observance Themes  

Martin Luther King’s Birthday 

16 January 2012 

National and Department of Defense USD (P&R) Theme 
Source: The King Center 
Remember! Celebrate! Act! 
A Day On, Not A Day Off!! (This theme does not change.) 
African American/Black History Month 
1-29 February 2012 
National and Department of Defense USD (P&R) Theme 
Source: Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) 
Black Women in American Culture and History 
Women’s History Month 
1-31 March 2012 
National and Department of Defense USD (P&R) Theme 
Source: Women’s History Project 
Women’s Education – Women’s Empowerment 
Holocaust Remembrance Day 
Days of Remembrance 
19 April 2012 
15-22 April 2012 
National and Department of Defense USD (P&R) Theme 
Source: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 
Choosing to Act: Stories of Rescue 
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month 
1-31 May 2012 
National and Department of Defense USD (P&R) Theme 
Source: Federal Asian Pacific American Council 
Striving for Excellence in Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion 
Women’s Equality Day 
26 August 2012 
National and Department of Defense USD (P&R) Theme 
Source: Women’s History Project 
Celebrating Women's Right to Vote (This theme does not change.) 
Hispanic Heritage Month 
15 September- 
15 October 2012 
National and Department of Defense USD (P&R) Theme 
Source: National Council of Hispanic Employment Program Managers 
Diversity United, Building America’s Future Today 
National Disability Employment Awareness Month 
1-31 October 2012 
National and Department of Defense USD (P&R) Theme 
Source: Department of Labor 
A Strong Workforce is an Inclusive Workforce: What Can YOU Do? 
National American Indian Heritage Month

1-30 November 2012 
Department of Defense USD (P&R) Theme 
Source: Society of American Indian Government Employees (SAIGE) 
Serving Our People, Serving Our Nations: Native Visions for Future Generations