Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Blood Feud," who are the Cherokee Freedmen?"

The Cherokee Freedman Debate
"Early in the 1800s, some Cherokees acquired slaves, and in the 1830s, enslaved African Americans accompanied the Cherokees when the federal government forced them to move to Indian Territory (Oklahoma), where the tribe struggled to rebuild its culture and institutions. By 1861, there were 4,000 black slaves living among the Cherokees."

"After the Civil War, the tribe signed a treaty that granted former slaves, or freedmen, “all the rights of Native Cherokees.” But in 2007, Cherokees amended their tribal constitution, making “Indian blood” a requirement for citizenship. As a result, some 2,800 descendants of Cherokee freedmen were excluded from membership. " (The Smithsonian - National Museum of the American Indian)

Family Stories : "Extraordinary lifeways persist; the stories must be heard. At the heart of each story survives the basic human desire for being and belonging. Out of many nations, African-Native American people are indivisible."

Blood Feud
These are boom times for the Five Civilized Tribes of Oklahoma. But bad times for thousands of black Indians battling for tribal citizenship. Now the Freedmen are turning to genetic science for help.

Will the Cherokee Freedmen Gain Tribal Rights?
Exceprt from "The Root"

"Since 2007 I have written a number of articles advocating for freedmen's rights. The first was so pointed that Smith publicly blamed the column for shaping black opinion on the subject."

"My maternal grandmother was enrolled as a Cherokee Freedmen in 1901, and since I was a little boy I have listened to relatives from that side of the family talk about life among the tribe. Smith tried to obliterate that history, and the tribal connection of other freedmen descendants, by declaring in 2007 that blood Cherokee don't even know who we are."

Sunday, October 9, 2011

October - National Disability Employment Awareness Month

"In October, Americans observe National Disability Employment Awareness Month by paying tribute to the accomplishments of the men and women with disabilities whose work helps keep the nation's economy strong and by reaffirming their commitment to ensure equal opportunity for all citizens."

"This effort to educate the public about the issues related to disability and employment began in 1945, when Congress enacted Public Law 176, declaring the first week of October each year as National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week. In 1962, the word "physically" was removed to acknowledge the employment needs and contributions of individuals with all types of disabilities. Some 25 years later, Congress expanded the week to a month and changed the name to National Disability Employment Awareness Month."

Library of congress link:

"The official theme for October's 2011 National Disability Employment Awareness Month announced by the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy is "Profit by Investing in Workers with Disabilities." The theme honors the contributions of workers with disabilities and serves to inform the public that they represent a highly skilled talent pool that can help employers compete in today's global economy. "Return on investment means hiring the right talent," said Kathy Martinez, assistant secretary of labor for disability employment policy. "Workers with disabilities represent all skill sets and are ready to get the job done. This year's theme focuses on improving employment opportunities that lead to good jobs and a secure economic future for people with disabilities and the nation as a whole."
Quoted from

Americans With Disabilities Act homepage:
Current Text of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended including changes made by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-325). The ADA prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in employment, State and local government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, and transportation. It also mandates the establishment of TDD/telephone relay services.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Civil Rights Leader, Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth Dies

A Civil Rights icon passes on to heavenly place.
(Library of Congress photo at left) Rev. Abernathy, Rev. King and Rev. Shuttlesworth lead a march for voters registration in Selma, Alabama.

The Birmingham News Special Report, "Unseen Unforgotten"
CNN- "The Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, who helped lead the civil rights movement, has died, the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute said Wednesday. He was 89."

"Shuttlesworth is among the iconic figures honored in the International Civil Rights Walk of Fame at the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site in Atlanta. King once called Shuttlesworth "the most courageous civil rights fighter in the South.""

"Shuttlesworth's efforts weren't without a price: his home was bombed on Christmas Day in 1956, but he and his family were not injured.He was, however, hurt in 1957 when he was beaten with chains and whips as he sought to integrate an all-white public school..."

Commemorative statue of Rev. Shuttlesworth located in front of the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute

(wikipedia) "Fred Shuttlesworth (born Freddie Lee Robinson on March 18, 1922 - October 5, 2011) was a civil rights activist who led the fight against segregation and other forms of racism as a minister in Birmingham, Alabama. He was a co-founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, was instrumental in the 1963 Birmingham Campaign, and continued to work against racism and for alleviation of the problems of the homeless in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he took up a pastorate in 1961. He returned to Birmingham after his retirement in 2007."

"Rev. Shuttlesworth was portrayed by Roger Robinson in the television miniseries King. The Birmingham Airport is named after him."

Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth Biography

"The Root 100 2011: Influencers and Iconoclasts"


"The Root" magazine's list of the most influential African Americans between the ages of 25 and 45. This year the list includes Kasim Reed , BeyoncĂ© , Michelle Alexander , Steven Horsford , Kanye West , David Adjaye , Tyra Banks ,Van Jones ,  and  TourĂ© . Who are these people?  They are part of The Root 100 .

Magazine article quote: "This is the third year that The Root 100 has compiled a list of the most influential African Americans between the ages of 25 and 45, but the first time we have actually ranked them. Each year we have refined our methodology to make sure we find the people who are making their mark and making a difference in our community."

The Root 100 list for 2011  "The Root's" home page link:

Part of "The Root's:" Trending Topics: American Dream Movement  The Root on Facebook

Who is #1 on The Root list?