Updated March 19, 2021 - WAFF - TV Ch48, Historical Archives to the stories - https://www.waff.com/search/Scottsboro%20Boys%20Museum/1/
Many thanks for WAFF's historical archives. Most of the old story filings can not be found, except in WAFF's archives.
WAAY-TV 31 http://www.waaytv.com/global/video/flash/popupplayer.asp?ClipID1=4508528&h1=Scottsboro%20Boys%20Museum&vt1=v&at1=News&d1=64900&LaunchPageAdTag=SearchResults&activePane=info&rnd=29640373
earlier WAAY video http://www.waaytv.com/global/video/flash/popupplayer.asp?ClipID1=4504390&h1=Scottsboro%20Boys%20Museum&vt1=v&at1=News&d1=28300&LaunchPageAdTag=Search%20Results&activePane=info&rnd=95527846

WAFF-TV 48 News link: http://www.waff.com/Global/story.asp?S=11915758
UPDATE March 19, 2021 - Al.com archives link to stories about the Scottsboro Boys Museum: https://www.al.com/search/?q=Scottsboro%20Boys%20Museum
Many thanks to al.com for the historical archives
February's African American History Month events are listed. Click on the picture to view a close up of the schedule.
The museum opening times in March will be every 2nd and 3rd Saturday from 10AM to 4PM. Other times by appointment. Ph # 256-244-1310.
"Fiat justitia ruat caelum, Let justice be done though the heavens fall." http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/FTrials/scottsboro/SB_BHort.html
Excuse my notes on the program. (Click on any picture for an expanded view.)
Judge James E. Horton's Granddaughter Mrs. Cathy Horton Garrett. Mrs. Garrett delivered a wonderful speech concerning her Grandfather's commitment to justice.

"Grandaddy blessed my life as a grandfather and blessed many in the world with his decision. He was an ordinary man who did an extraordinary thing."
Ms. Lecia Brooks, Southern Poverty Law Center, Civil rights Museum Director, Montgomery, Alabama. Ms. Brooks pointed out there are 926 hate groups which are currently known to operate in the United States. Several are located in the North Alabama area.
"It takes a strong courageous community to say we will not hide our history...to heal and say in one united voice, this will never happen again."
From left to right, State Representatives Butch Taylor, Representative John Robinson presents a check for $1000 to Ms. Sheila Washington and Mr. Gary Speers, Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center Executive Committee.
Mrs. Kim Speers, Executive Committee Scottsboro Boys Museum & Cultural Center, Librarian Brownwood Elementary School, delivers welcome speech. "The truth shall set you free."
News Crews from around North Alabama were filming the event. WAFF-48's story: http://www.waff.com/Global/story.asp?S=11915758 WAAY-31's story: http://www.waaytv.com/Global/story.asp?S=11912625 See above videos.
Do you have any photos of the retrial with Judge Horton? Judhe Horton had been my granddaddy's law partner, and wrote the decision (reversal) on his old law desk. My mom has stayed close to the Horton family all these years. I would love to see old pix. I know my granddad was in the courtroom. Judge Horton always said there never was any doubt about their innocent, and he knew he would be run out of town (he was) by doing what was right. I don't think enough people understand the risk Judge Horton took by doing the right thing. A fine mna, and fine family.
Thank you inc123 for your comment.
We have an area dedicated to Judge Horton with several pictures.
You are correct, Judge Horton took a great risk that day. He was an honest man who uphekd the law.
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