"We black folks, our history and our present being, are a mirror of all the manifold experiences of merica. What we want, what we represent, what we endure is what America is. If we black folk perish, America will perish. If America has forgotten her past, then let her look into the mirror of our consciousness and she will see the living past living in the present, for our memories go back, through our black folk of today, through the recollection of our black parents, and through the tales of slavery told by our black grandparents, to the time when none of us, black or white, lived in this fertile land. The differences between black folk and white folk are not blood or color, and the ties that bind us are deeper than those that separate us. The common road of hope which we all traveled has brought us into a stronger kinship than any words, laws or legal claims."
Richard Wright - 12 Million Black Voices (1941)
Dr. Kenneth Pitts is a very special speaker and story teller. He began his presentation with the above quote from Richard Wright. When Dr. Pitts tells a story he places you in the time and place where he was and is at the same moment. A brilliant dramatic, motivational speaker, he credits God for his special talents. It was a privilege and honor to hear and watch Dr. Pitts present his special version of this years theme for African American History Month, "The History of Black Economic Empowerment."
The message: "Ministry in the market place, not the market place in the ministry." Dr. Pitts conveyed 4 scriptural messages in his presentation. The first- John chapter 2, verse 14-22, the story of Jesus in the Temple and the money changers. The second- Acts chapter 2, verse 1-4, The Power of God, the Enabler, the Holy Ghost. The third- John chapter 10, verse 14-18, "I am the good shepherd..." The fourth, closing- 1st Kings chapter 6, verse 11-12, "...the word of the Lord...keep all my Commandments to walk in them; then I will perform my word with thee..."
Dr. Pitts message was simple, follow the word of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ and all will be made possible. We are fallible, we stray and we sin, but faith, prayer and placing your life into Gods hands will result in your salvation and your success. All will be made possible with this simple plan. It all begins with the miracle of salvation; John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
Dr. Pitts' message solidifies why the Scottsboro Boys Museum's location in Joyce Chapel is so very important. African American history and Christianity in America are inseparable.

Ms Sheila Washington, Chairperson of the Scottsboro Jackson County Multicultural Heritage Foundation presents a welcome package to Dr. Kenneth Pitts our featured guest speaker for February 21, 2010 Black History Month. Article about Dr. Pitts
Councilman Gary Speers presents Dr. Pitts with a Key to the City.

Ms. Washington delivers a warm welcome to today's participants.

Reverend Gary Speers presents the Invocation. Rev. Speers also lead the group in singing "Lift Every Voice and Sing."

Ms. Washington gives a warm Scottsboro thank you to Dr. and Mrs. Pitts for their moving presentation at today's ceremony in the historic Joyce Chapel.

Ms. Candice Lovelady graces the church with a beautiful voice. Her rendition of "His Eye Is On The Sparrow" was a beautiful cappella presentation.

Dr. Pitts is a renowned local Obstetrician practicing in Huntsville, Alabama; Dr. Pitts is known as the "praying doctor." He related stories to the group concerning the power of prayer.

Mr. Steven Pitts, Steve is a student at Alabama A&M. Steve operated the audio visual equipment for his dad's presentation.

Mrs. Kathy Pitts, Mrs. Pitts introduced her husband and told the story of their early marriage and how God has moved their family.

This afternoons presentation at the Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center featured Dr. Kennth Pitts and family of Huntsville, Alabama. Fellowship, music and a message of prayer and faith presented by Dr. Pitts and family highlighted this evenings message.